Myron Prinzmetal

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Myron Prinzmetal (born February 8, 1908 in Buffalo , † January 8, 1987 in Paris ) was an American cardiologist and the son of Ukrainian emigrants.

Prinzmetal received his medical degree from the University of California in 1933 . During his further training in the following two years in San Francisco and St. Louis , he was able to publish a considerable number of medical articles. In 1935 he received a research fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, during which further scientific publications followed. From 1936 Prinzmetal received a scholarship from the American College of Physicians at University College London and returned to the USA a year later. There he worked in a laboratory at Cedars of Lebanon (today: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center ) in Los Angeles .

Life's work

Prinzmetal distinguished itself through a large number of publications on various fields of medicine. Over 160 publications bear his name. In 1959 he described a variant of angina pectoris , which is caused by muscle spasms in the coronary arteries . This variant is still associated with his name today ( Prinzmetal angina ).

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