NGWH Beeger

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Nicolaas George Wijnand Henri Beeger (* 1884 in Utrecht , † 1965 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch mathematician who dealt with number theory.

Beeger was in 1916 at the University of Utrecht in Jan de Vries (1858-1940) and Willem Kapteyn (1849-1927) PhD (over een functie voorgesteld door eene reeks of Dirichlet, via a defined by a Dirichlet function). He was a math teacher and also published mathematical works. After his retirement he devoted himself entirely to mathematics and corresponded with foreign mathematicians such as Derrick Norman Lehmer . He had good contacts with the Mathematical Center in Amsterdam, to which he bequeathed part of his estate.

In 1951 he and others published a list of prime numbers up to 11 million. In 1922 he found one of the two previously known Wieferich prime numbers . He also dealt with factoring large numbers.

At the University of Tilburg every two years named after him lectures known mathematician instead (to the speakers included John Horton Conway , Hendrik Lenstra , Carl Pomerance , Hugh C. Williams ).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project