Hendrik Lenstra

Hendrik Willem Lenstra Junior (born April 16, 1949 in Zaandam , Netherlands ) is a Dutch mathematician who deals with number theory.
Lenstra received his doctorate in 1977 from the University of Amsterdam under Frans Oort with a thesis on number fields with Euclidean algorithms (Euclidean number fields). In 1978 he became a professor there, which he remained until 1986. From 1987 to 2003 he was at the University of California, Berkeley . From 1998 to 2003 he lectured simultaneously in Leiden and Berkeley. After that he was only in suffering. Among other things, he was visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study (1990/91) and Hewlett-Packard visiting professor at MSRI in 2000/2001 .
Lenstra is known for various number theoretic algorithms. He is the discoverer of the Elliptic Curve Factorization (a factorization method using the arithmetic of elliptic curves, 1987) and improved and implemented in 1984 with Henri Cohen the APRCL prime number test (after the first letters of the developers) by Leonard Adleman , Carl Pomerance and Robert Rumely from 1983, which was the first test that was efficiently applicable to the prime numbers used in public key cryptography ( RSA ) with a length of one hundred or more bits (500 to 2000 bit long prime numbers are used today). In 1982, together with his brother Arjen Lenstra and László Lovász, he developed the LLL algorithm for reducing a base of grids , also with applications, for example in cryptography. He was also involved in a project on the math behind the pictures by MC Escher . Lenstra initiated the Internet project ABC @ Home , which started in January 2007 and in which thousands of volunteers collect data on underutilized computers for an empirical study of the a b c assumption . His aim is to prove this conjecture.
The Cohen- Lenstra heuristic includes conjectures about the structure of the class groups of quadratic number fields . These were derived from extensive computer calculations and confirmed numerically by them.
In 1985 he received the Fulkerson Prize for his work Integer programming with a fixed number of variables . In 1998 he received the Spinoza Prize from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). In 1986 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Berkeley ( Elliptic curves and number theoretic algorithms ). In 2000 he gave a plenary lecture at the 3rd European Congress of Mathematicians in Barcelona ( flags and lattice base reduction ). In 2003 he was invited by the Australian Mathematical Society as a Mahler Lecturer .
In 2007 he received an academy professorship from the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW), which enables him to do exclusive research and promote young talent for five years. Two years later he was made Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion . He has been a member of KNAW since 1984, of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1996 and of the Academia Europaea since 2005 .
In 2009 he gave the Gauss lecture at the DMV . The IMU appointed him chairman of the program committee for the preparation of the ICM 2010 in Hyderabad . He has been a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society since 2012 . In 2009/10 and 2010/11 he was on the Abel Prize Committee.
His doctoral students include Daniel Bernstein , Preda Mihăilescu , René Schoof , Peter Stevenhagen and William A. Stein .
The IMDb lists two documentaries about Lenstra. His brothers Arjen Klaas Lenstra and Jan Karel Lenstra (director of the CWI ) are also well-known mathematicians.
- Euclidean Number Fields. Parts 1-3. In: The Mathematical Intelligencer . Vol. 2, No. 1, 1979, pp. 6-15, doi : 10.1007 / BF03024378 ; Volume 2, No. 2, 1980, pp. 73-77, doi : 10.1007 / BF03023376 ; Volume 2, No. 2, 1980, pp. 99-103, doi : 10.1007 / BF03023382 .
- Primality testing algorithms. In: Séminaire N. Bourbaki. Vol. 33, No. 576, 1981, pp. 243-257, ( online ).
- Factoring integers with elliptic curves. In: Annals of Mathematics . Series 2, Volume 126, No. 3, 1987, pp. 649-673, doi : 10.2307 / 1971363 .
- with Arjen K. Lenstra : Algorithms in Number Theory. In: Jan van Leeuwen (Ed.): Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Volume A: Algorithms and Complexity. Elsevier et al., Amsterdam et al. 1990, ISBN 0-444-88071-2 , pp. 673-716.
- Algorithms in Algebraic Number Theory. In: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . Volume 26, No. 2, 1992, pp. 211-244, doi : 10.1090 / S0273-0979-1992-00284-7 .
- with Peter Stevenhagen : Chebotarëv and his density theorem. In: The Mathematical Intelligencer. Volume 18, No. 2, 1996, pp. 26-37, doi : 10.1007 / BF03027290 , (online on his homepage).
- with Peter Stevenhagen: Artin reciprocity and Mersenne Primes. In: Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Series 5, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2000, pp. 44-54 .
- Profinite Fibonacci Numbers. In: Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Series 5, Volume 6, No. 4, 2005, pp. 297-300 .
Web links
- Homepage in Leiden
- CV and list of publications at KNAW
- Hendrik Lenstra in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)
- "Math is my life." A conversation with Hendrik W. Lenstra (PDF; 257 kB)
Individual evidence
- ^ Henri Cohen, Hendrik W. Lenstra: Primality testing and Jacobi sums. In: Mathematics of Computation . Vol. 42, No. 165, 1984, pp. 297-330, doi : 10.2307 / 2007581 ; Henri Cohen, Arjen Lenstra: Implementation of a new primality test. In: Mathematics of Computation. Vol. 48, No. 177, 1987, pp. 103-121, doi : 10.2307 / 2007877 .
- ↑ Arjen K. Lenstra, Hendrik W. Lenstra, László Lovász : Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients. In: Mathematical Annals . Vol. 261, 1982, pp. 515-534 .
- ^ Sara Robinson: Mathematician fills in a blank for a fresh insight on art. In: The New York Times , July 30, 2002.
- ^ Artful Mathematics: The Heritage of MC Escher. In: Notices of the American Mathematical Society . Volume 50, No. 4, 2003, pp. 446-457 , (results of the project).
- ↑ Interview in the Volkskrant from December 20, 2008 (Dutch)
- ^ Henri Cohen, Hendrik W. Lenstra: Heuristics on class groups of number fields. In: Hendrik Jager (Ed.): Number theory, Noordwijkerhout 1983. Proceedings of the Journées arithmétiques held at Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, July 11-15, 1983 (= Lecture Notes in Mathematics . 1068). Springer, Berlin et al. 1984, ISBN 0-387-13356-9 , pp. 33-62.
- ^ Mathematics of Operations Research . Volume 8, No. 4, 1983, pp. 538-548, doi : 10.1287 / moor.8.4.538 .
- ^ The Mahler Lectureship
- ↑ Press release Academy Professorship of the KNAW ( Memento of the original from November 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Porridge Pulleys and Pi: Two Mathematical Journeys (2004), Achieving the Unachievable (2007)
personal data | |
SURNAME | Lenstra, Hendrik |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Lenstra, Hendrik Willem (full name) |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Dutch mathematician |
DATE OF BIRTH | April 16, 1949 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Zaandam , Netherlands |