Carl Pomerance

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Carl Bernard Pomerance (born November 24, 1944 in Joplin , Missouri ) is an American number theorist .


Pomerance studied at Brown University and graduated there in 1966 with a diploma thesis (M.Sc.) A determination of imaginary quadratic principal ideal domains . In 1972 he received his PhD from Harvard University with John T. Tate . In his dissertation, An Odd Perfect Number is Divisible by at Least Seven Distinct Primes , he proved that an odd perfect number (that is, it is the sum of its real divisors ) has at least seven different prime factors . He then went to the University of Georgia , where he became a professor in 1982. He later worked at Lucent Technologies and is now a professor at Dartmouth College .

Pomerance published 20 articles together with Paul Erdős . He is known for the invention of an efficient Faktorisierungsverfahrens , the quadratic sieve , and is co-inventor of the Adleman -Pomerance- Rumely - Prime Tests (APR because of Henri Cohen and Hendrik Lenstra also improves APRCL).

He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society .

In 2019 he and Chris Spicer showed that the number seventy-three , Sheldon Cooper's favorite number from the Big Bang Theory series , was the only prime number to have a combination of unusual properties that have since been known as the Sheldon prime or Sheldon conjecture .


Works (selection)

  • Recent developments in primality testing , in: The Mathematical Intelligencer, Volume 3, 1981, pp. 95-105 (for this essay he received the Chauvenet Prize).
  • A tale of two sieves , Notices of the AMS 43, No. 12 (1996), pp. 1473–1485 (for this review he received the Conant Prize).
  • with Richard Crandall : Prime Numbers. A Computational Perspective , Springer-Verlag, New York 2005, ISBN 0-387-25282-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pomerance, Carl Bernard (Honors: Mathematics, 1966) , Brown University Library
  2. ^ Carl Pomerance, Chris Spicer (2019) Proof of the Sheldon Conjecture . American Mathematical Monthly 121: 1-11

Web links