NSB El 11

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NSB El 11
El 11 2107
El 11 2107
Numbering: 2078-2112 (El 11a),
2145-2150 (El 11b)
Number: 41
Manufacturer: Thune , Norsk Elektrisk & Brown Boveri
Year of construction (s): El 11a: 1951-1956,
El 11b: 1963-1964
Retirement: between 1994 and 1998
Axis formula : Bo'Bo '
Length over buffers: 14,450 mm
Service mass: 62.0 t
Wheel set mass : 15.5 t
Top speed: 105 km / h
Continuous output : 1,676 kW
Starting tractive effort: 157 kN
Power system : 15 kV 16.7 Hz ~
Number of traction motors: 4 × NEBB ELM603St or 2 × ASEA SJ1103
Brake: electric, pneumatic

The El 11 is an electric locomotive of the Norges Statsbaner (NSB).

The series was built in two series and is based on designs by the SLM (bogie) and BBC (electrical control). The 11a series was built between 1951 and 1956, the El 11b series was built in 1963 and 1964. Visually, the two series differ in the front panels, which are four-part in 11a and two-part in 11b. The 11b series also has the same electrical equipment as the El 13 and multiple controls . In addition, 11 2083 and 2090 received the two-part windshield after accidents.

El 11 of the first series, the 11 2107

operation area

It was built as a universal locomotive and used in front of both passenger and freight trains.

The 11 2092, 2098 and 2110 were given a different gear ratio in 1982–83 for use on the Flåmsbana so that they could perform at their best at 30 km / h. The motor was also improved so that it could withstand the braking current of 1000 A for a longer period of time, and magnetic rail brakes were also installed.


As the first El 11, 11 2150 was shut down in the same year after a collision on December 2, 1970 in Oslo Østbanestasjonen . Also as a result of accidents, 11 were hit in 2083 and 2090. Between 1994 and 1998, the remaining El 11 were retired.

The three locomotives for the Flåm Railway were replaced by the El 17 in 1996 .

The following are preserved ( 2011 ):

  • 11 2078, owned by the Norsk Jernbane Museum in Hamar
  • 11 2085, owned by Norsk Jernbaneklubb NJK
  • 11 2098, owned by Norsk Jernbaneklubb NJK
  • 11 2107, owned by the Norsk Jernbane Museum


Web links

Commons : NSB El 11  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • El 11 NSB. jernbane.net, accessed December 1, 2016 (Norwegian).
  • El 11. Material databases. Norsk Jerbaneklubb Forskningsavdelingen, accessed July 17, 2017 (Norwegian).