Nakamura Kenkichi

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Former residence of Kenkichi Nakamura in Onomichi

Nakamura Kenkichi ( Japanese 中 村 憲 吉 ; born January 25, 1889 in Miyoshi , Hiroshima Prefecture ; † May 5, 1934 ) was a Japanese tanka poet.

Nakamura was a student of Itō Sachio , with whom he founded the Tanka journal Araragi . He has published several volumes of poetry, including Rinsen shū (1916), Keira shū (1931) and Keira shū igo (1934).

The Onomichi Literature Museum ( お の み ち 文学 の 館 , Onomichi bungaku no kan ) is now located in one of his former residences in the city of Onomichi . The house was also used by Shiga Naoya as a residence, which is why these two writers are particularly remembered here.


Individual evidence

  1. お の み ち 文学 の 館 . (No longer available online.) Onomichi City, July 15, 2011, archived from the original on November 16, 2012 ; Retrieved October 4, 2012 (Japanese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /