Nakayama Ichirō

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Nakayama Ichirō

Nakayama Ichirō ( Japanese 中山 伊 知 郎 ; born September 20, 1898 in Ise ( Mie Prefecture ); died April 9, 1980 in Tōkyō ) was a Japanese economist .

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Nakayama Ichirō graduated from the "Tōkyō University of Commerce" (now Hitotsubashi University ) in 1923 . He studied abroad, including in Germany, at the University of Bonn under Joseph Schumpeter theoretical economics. There he met Tōbata Seiichi , with whom he then worked. After he had worked as an assistant professor at his alma mater, he became a professor in 1937, president of the university from 1949 to 1955 and director of the "Institute for Economic Research" (経 済 研究, Keizai kenkyūjo) of the university in 1987. In 1962 he left the university as "Meiyo Kyōju", and in 1968 he was honored as a person with special cultural merits .

In his book "Reine Wirtschaftslehre" (純 粋 経 済 学, Junsui keizai-gaku) ​​from 1933 he introduced general equilibrium theory to the Japanese world of science and concentrated on researching Schumpeter's theory of economic development. He also introduced Keynes' book "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" in Japan, spread the word and played his part in the modernization of Japanese economics. Nakayama became the first chairman of the newly founded "Society for Logical and Statistical Economics" (理論 ・ 計量 経 済 学会, Ronri - tokei keizai gakkei), and in 1971 became chairman of the "Asia-Pacific Cultural Center for UNESCO (ACCU)". He was not only active in the cultural field, but was from 1950 to 1950 Chairman of the "Central Labor Relations Commission" (中央 労 働 委員会, Chūō rōdō iin-kai) of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs , 1953 Chairman of the "ILO Association Japan "(日本 ILO 協会, Nihon ILO kyōkai). He was also chairman of the "Price Stability Council" (物 価 安定 政策 会議, bukka antei seisaku kaigi)

Nakayama wrote numerous papers such as “equilibrium analysis of development processes” (発 展 過程 の 均衡 分析, Hatten katei no kinkō bunseki) from 1939 and “structural analysis of the Japanese economy” (日本 経 済 の 構造 分析, Nihon keizai no kōzō bunseki), 1954. Most of his work can be found in his collected works "中山 伊 知 郎 全集", which appeared in 18 volumes and a supplementary volume from 1972 to 1981.


  1. Meiyo Kyōju (名誉 教授) is occasionally rendered in German as "Professor emeritus". But in contrast to this title, which is automatically used on retirement, this is a special award only occasionally granted in Japan.


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Nakayama Ichirō . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993. ISBN 4-06-205938-X , p. 1042.

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Commons : Nakayama Ichirō  - collection of images, videos and audio files