Name contribution

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A name contribution (also called name article ) is a journalistic contribution that was not edited editorially , but comes from an external author who draws the contribution with his name or from his ghostwriter . For the mostly prominent author, it is a public relations tool .


The copyright remains with the author, who only grants the medium a right of use . The press law responsibility lies with the medium in which the post is published.


The name contribution cannot be assigned to any individual form of representation . Mostly it is about opinion-oriented forms of representation such as a column , a comment or an essay .


Opinion-oriented forms of presentation such as leading articles , editorial , comments, glosses and essays are published with names even if the author is a member of the editorial team. News are usually not marked by name, but reports are.

See also


  1. Harald Felling, Clemens Lerche: Change of Government - Challenge for Online Communication , in: Miriam Melanie Köhler, Christian H. Schuster: Handbook Government PR. Wiesbaden 2006, p. 378.