Natasha Griggs

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Natasha Griggs (2014)

Natasha Griggs (born January 24, 1969 in Adelaide , South Australia ) is an Australian politician of the Country Liberal Party (CLP) . Since October 5, 2017 it is manager of the Australian territory in the Indian Ocean .


Location of the Solomon constituency

Natasha Griggs became involved in the CLP in the Northern Territory early on . There she held various positions in the government of the territory from 1990 to 1999. From 1999 to 2009, Griggs moved into the private sector and worked at Fujitsu Australia and SRA Information Technology , among others . In 2009, she returned to politics as Deputy Mayor of the City of Palmerston . In the parliamentary elections in 2010 , Griggs ran for the House of Representatives in the Solomon constituency and prevailed against the Labor Party candidate with 51.75%.

In the parliamentary elections in 2013 she was confirmed with 51.4% as a member of the House of Representatives. In 2016, Griggs ran again against Labor politician Luke Gosling in the general election and was defeated with 44% of the vote and lost her seat in the House of Representatives.

On October 5, 2017, she became the administrator of the Australian Indian Ocean Territories, which includes the Cocos Islands and Christmas Island . Your term of office in this position is three years. In this role, Griggs emphasized the uniqueness of the territories and the importance of tourism for the region. She also pointed out the opportunity offered by geographical proximity to the growth region of Southeast Asia . Other topics of her work were the consequences of climate change for the islands and the emigration of many young people. Infrastructure projects in the field of tourism and communication also shaped the political efforts of the administrator.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Australian Electoral Commission: House of Representatives Division First Preferences. Accessed August 27, 2019 .
  2. Solomon - Australia Votes | Federal Election 2013 (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Accessed August 27, 2019 .
  3. ^ Solomon, NT - AEC Tally Room. August 12, 2016, accessed August 27, 2019 .
  4. directory.user: Natasha Griggs. October 5, 2017, accessed on August 27, 2019 .
  5. Natasha Griggs: Statement made at the Public Hearing . January 31, 2018.