Auf der Rüst nature reserve

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Auf der Rüst nature reserve

The Auf der Rüst nature reserve is a 19.5 hectare reserve in the Aachen city region . It is located in a quarry area between the Stolberg districts of Breinigerberg and Büsbach and is in the immediate vicinity of the Brockenberg nature reserve . The area was placed under protection in 1980. On the Rüst is one of 37 nature reserves belonging to the city of Stolberg (Rhld.).



The entire nature reserve is characterized by limestone formations. This is a limestone ridge that comes from the Lower Carboniferous and runs through the area. The limestone came to the surface of the earth through human intervention but also through erosion and was mined and processed over many years.

In the south-west and north-east of the nature reserve there are two lime sludge ponds that were artificially created in the pit type between 1950 and 1969 . The larger pond (approx. 2.4 ha) has a storage volume of around 480,000 m³, the smaller one (approx. 1.8 ha) stores around 360,000 m³ of lime sludge.

The small Rüstbach flowing through the area is polluted, whereby the pollution load is subject to strong seasonal fluctuations. The water quality of the flowing water is only grade III. The Rüstbach is partially canalized and flows into the Vichtbach after 2.4 km .


Tar gravel works with the remains of old lime kilns in the background

In the former quarry area, limestone was mined until 1975 and burned to lime in the brick kilns. The area connected to the railway network is now used by a tar gravel plant. The mud ponds are now owned by the city of Stolberg after the limestone mining has been abandoned.

Since the abandonment of limestone mining, the ponds quickly took on a natural character and not only a rich aquatic plant community developed, but also extensive reed areas. In the near future it is to be expected that perennials, pre- and high forest plants will settle.

The secondary biotopes created here are of great importance for nature conservation.


The sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), the gray alder (Alnus incana, syn .: Betula alnus L. var. Incana L.) and the common robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia) can be found in the forest areas of the nature reserve . Then there is the silver birch (Betula pendula). As far as the orchid beech forest is still preserved, various orchids can be found there.

A systematic study of the flora of the clarification ponds was carried out. Here it was shown that these had passed through the development stages pre-initial phase and initial phase. The sewage sludge ponds of the nature reserve "Auf der Rüst" are currently in a heavy siltation.

In the nature reserve "Auf der Rüst" one can find relics of the Adderhead Sweet Clover (Echio-Melilotetum) consisting of typical representatives such as the Addter's Head, Sweet Clover, Evening Primrose, Thistle or similar ruderal plants. The plants that originally colonized the limestone gravel of rivers near the Alps were able to settle in the area of ​​the limestone ponds due to their willingness to colonize calcareous soils.

There used to be pronounced reed vegetation at the two clarifying ponds of the nature reserve. The pond reed bed (Scirpo-Phragmitetum), especially the reed bed (Phragmites australis-facies of the Scirpo-Phragmitetum), the reed bed of the broad-leaved cattail (Typha latifolia-facies), the pond reed bed (Phragmites australis-facies of the Scirpo-Phragmitetum), the reed bed of the broad-leaved cattail (Typha latifolia-facies), the pond reed bed (Phragmites australis-facies of the Scirpo-Phragmitetum), the pond reed bed (Scirpo-Phragmitetum) is particularly common ) and the reed of the narrow-leaved cattail (Typha angustifolia facies of the Scirpo phragmite). A total of over 130 plant species could be identified in the area of ​​the clarification ponds. These include plants such as the Small wintergreen (Pyrola minor), the tongue buttercup (Ranunculus lingua), the daphne (Daphne), as well as rare plants such as the bee orchid (Ophrys apifera), which is not to be found on the mud flats.


The settling ponds are the habitat of various amphibians. They include toads but also the grass snake (Natrix natrix). The ponds have a fish population.

Threat to the nature reserve

A threat to the nature reserve arises from the permanent operation of the tar gravel works. Illegal anglers have already been picked up at the clarification ponds several times.


  • Oliver Schall: The lime mud ponds in North Rhine-Westphalia - flora, vegetation and importance for nature conservation. In: Decheniana , Vol. 138. Bonn, 1985. pp. 38-59.
  • The District Administrator of the Aachen district (ed.): Landscape plan III - Eschweiler-Stolberg - 3rd amendment, as of October 15, 2005. Aachen district, pp. 60–61.

Web links

Commons : Naturschutzgebiet Auf der Rüst  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [1] Water quality report 2001, State Environment Agency North Rhine-Westphalia, page 132

Coordinates: 50 ° 44 ′ 56.4 "  N , 6 ° 14 ′ 27.6"  E