Ancillary criminal law

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Ancillary criminal law includes all criminal norms that are not contained in the penal code (core criminal law) but in other legal norms (laws, but also ordinances with criminal penalties).

These norms could then be referred to as subsidiary laws , even if this is a rather unusual terminology. While the term ancillary criminal law refers to a certain legal matter, an ancillary penalty is the possible legal consequence of a criminal offense (in addition to the main penalty ). Often, the penal provisions also appear only as a secondary aspect in the law (for example in the Commercial Code or the Road Traffic Act). There is also a small group of laws that contain only penal provisions. The Youth Courts Act plays a special role ; it deals with 14 to 21-year-olds, but also includes positions under social law. The general part of the Criminal Code (StGB) with its general criminal law provisions and definitions is applicable to the norms of ancillary criminal law, unless the individual issue is regulated separately in the respective ancillary criminal law norms by means of special provisions.

Ancillary criminal law in Germany

The following excerpt from the ancillary criminal law is not exhaustive, but lists the most important provisions under ancillary criminal law.

Criminal provisions in secondary criminal law (Germany)
Abbr. Name of the law paragraph
AO Tax Code Sections 369 to 376
AdVermiG Adoption Placement Act §§ 14 to 14b
AktG Stock Corporation Act Sections 399 to 404
ApoG Pharmacy Act § 23
AÜG Temporary Employment Act Sections 15 and 15a
ArbSchG Occupational Health and Safety Act § 26
ArbZG Working Hours Act § 23
AMG Medicines Act Sections 95 and 96
AsylG Asylum Act Sections 84 to 85
Residence Act Residence Act Sections 95 to 97
AZRG AZR law § 42
AWG Foreign Trade Act Sections 17 and 18
BtMG Narcotics Act Sections 29 to 31
BetrVG Works Constitution Act Sections 119 and 120
BörsG Stock Exchange Act Section 49
BÄO Federal Medical Regulations § 13
BBankG Bundesbank Act § 35
BBergG Federal Mining Act Sections 146 to 148
BDSG Federal Data Protection Act § 42
BJagdG Federal Hunting Act Sections 38, 40 to 42
BLG Federal Benefits Act § 85
BNatSchG Federal Nature Conservation Act Sections 71 and 72
BStatG Law on Statistics for Federal Purposes (Federal Statistics Law ) § 22
BVFG Federal Expellees Act Sections 98 and 99
ChemG Chemicals Act §§ 27 to 27d
DepotG Deposit Act Sections 34 to 37
ESchG Embryo Protection Act Sections 1 to 7 and 11
FlaggRG Flag Law Act § 15
FreizügG / EU Freedom of Movement Act / EU § 9
G 10 Article 10 Law § 18
GGBefG Hazardous Goods Transport Act § 11
GenG Cooperative Act Sections 147 to 151
GenTG Genetic Engineering Act Section 39
GewSchG Violence Protection Act § 4
GewO Trade Regulations Sections 148 to 148b
GmbHG GmbH law Sections 82 to 85
GÜG Basic Substance Monitoring Act § 19
HAG Home Work Act Sections 31 and 32
HGB Commercial Code Sections 331 to 333, 335b, 340 m, 341 m and 341p
HWG Medicines Advertising Act § 14
HeilprG Heilpraktikergesetz § 5
IfSG German Infection Protection Act Sections 74 to 76
InsO Bankruptcy Code Section 15a (4)
JArbSchG Youth Labor Protection Act § 58
JuSchG Youth Protection Act § 27
KGSG Cultural Property Protection Act § 83
KWG Banking Act Sections 54 to 55b
KrWaffKontrG War Weapons Control Act Sections 19 to 20a, 22a
KunstUrhG Art Copyright Act Section 33
LFGB Food and Feed Code Sections 58 and 59
LadSchlG Shop Closing Act § 25
LuftSiG Aviation Security Act Sections 19 and 20
LuftVG Aviation Act Sections 59 to 62
MarkenG Trademark Law Sections 143 to 144
MilkMargG Milk and Margarine Act § 8th
MPG Medical Devices Act Sections 40 and 41
MuSchG Maternity Protection Act Section 33
ÖLG Organic Farming Act § 12
PartG Party law § 31d
PassG Passport law § 24
PatG Patent Act § 142
PflVG Compulsory Insurance Act § 6
ProdSG Product Safety Act § 40
PublG Publicity Act Sections 17 to 19
SatDSiG Satellite Data Security Act Sections 29 to 31
SchwarzArbG Undeclared Labor Act §§ 9 to 11
SEAG European Company Implementation Act Section 53
SeemG Seaman's Law Sections 115 to 135
SGB ​​VIII Eighth Book of the Social Security Code Section 105
SGB ​​X Book 10 of the Social Code § 85a
Explosives Act Explosives Act Sections 40 and 42
StAG Citizenship Act § 42
StUG Stasi Records Act § 44
StVG Road Traffic Act §§ 21 to 22b
Tobacco Law Tobacco Products Act § 3
TierSchG Animal Welfare Act Sections 17, 20 and 20a
TKG Telecommunications Act § 148
TFG Transfusion Act § 31
TPG Transplant Act Sections 18 and 19
UmwG Transformation Act Sections 313 to 315
UrhG Copyright Act Sections 106 to 111
EnvironmentHG Environmental Liability Act § 21
UWG Law against Unfair Competition §§ 16 to 19
VereinsG Association Act § 20
VerkLG Traffic Services Act § 14
Assembly Act Assembly Act Sections 21 to 28
VStGB International Criminal Code §§ 6 to 14
WaffG weapon law Sections 51 to 52a
WeinG Wine Law Sections 48 to 50
WiStG 1954 Commercial Criminal Law 1954 § 1
WStG Military Penal Act Sections 15 to 48
WpHG Securities Trading Act Section 119
ZAG Payment Services Supervision Act Section 63
ZDG Civil Service Act Sections 52 to 54

Web links


  • Georg Erbs, Max Kohlhaas, Friedrich Ambs: Criminal law ancillary laws with penal and fine regulations of commercial and administrative law . ISBN 3-406-53894-0 . Loose-leaf work, four volumes; largely documents the norms of ancillary criminal law.
  • Marcel Niggli (ed.): The Swiss criminal law. All federal decrees on competence, organization, process, enforcement, legal assistance and all additional criminal law. Orell Füssli, Zurich 2001, ISBN 978-3-280-07008-6 .