Nebtinubchet Seschseschet

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Nebtinubchet Seschseschet in hieroglyphics
G16 S12 F32
t Z1

Nebtinubchet / Nubchetnebtiẖt / Nwb-ẖ

Sš sš.t

Nebtinubchet Seschseschet (also Nubchetnebti Seschseschet ) was a princess of the ancient Egyptian 6th dynasty and a daughter of Pharaoh Teti .

Origin and family

Nebtinubchet Seschseschet was a daughter of Pharaoh Teti, the first ruler of the 6th dynasty. It was apparently named after Teti's mother, Seschseschet . Teti had at least three royal wives : Iput I , Chuit and a woman whose name is incomplete and was perhaps Chentkaus. Which of these women was Nebtinubchet's mother is unknown. Numerous siblings or half-siblings of Nebtinubchet Seschseschets are known: their brothers Userkare and Pepi I , who both ascended the Egyptian throne after Teti's death, as well as several sisters. One of them was called Inti , other sisters also carried the part of their name Seschseschet ( Seschseschet Scheschit , Seschseschet Scheschti , Seschseschet Watetchethor ).

Nebtinubchet Seschseschet was married to the vizier Kagemni . Several children emerged from the marriage, but only the eldest son Tetianch is known by name.


Seschseschet Nebtinubchet bore the title of a beloved natural king's daughter.


Nebtinubchet Seschseschet was buried in her husband's mastaba near the Teti pyramid in Saqqara . She is depicted twice in the grave but only named once by name.


  • Michel Baud : Famille royale et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien. Tome 2 (= Bibliothèque d'Étude. Volume 126/2). Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 1999, ISBN 2-7247-0250-6 , p. 486 ( PDF; 16.7 MB ).
  • Aidan Dodson , Dyan Hilton: The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt . The American University in Cairo Press, London 2004, ISBN 977-424-878-3 , pp. 70-78.
  • Bertha Porter , Rosalind LB Moss : Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and PaSeschseschetngs. Volume III: Memphis. Part 2. Saqqara to Dahshur. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1981, pp. 521-525 ( PDF; 33.5 MB ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michel Baud: Famille royale et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien. Tome 2. 1999, p. 486.
  2. Bertha Porter, Rosalind LB Moss: Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and PaSeschseschetngs. Volume III: Memphis. Part 2. Saqqara to Dahshur. 1981, p. 523.
  3. Kagenmi . In: Retrieved February 4, 2020.