Neferkare Chendu

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Name of Neferkare Chendu
List of kings of Abydos (Seti I) (number 45)
Hiero Ca1.svg
N5 F35 n / a Aa1
G43 D56
Hiero Ca2.svg
With perfect Ka , a Re ,
the one who steps

Neferkare Chendu ( Nefer-ka-Re Chendu ) was an ancient Egyptian king ( Pharaoh ) of the 8th Dynasty ( First Intermediate Period ). He is only known from the list of kings in the mortuary temple of Seti I in Abydos (No. 45), which name his throne and personal name in a cartouche .


  • Darrell D. Baker: The Encyclopedia of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty (3300-1069 BC). Bannerstone Press, Oakville 2008, ISBN 978-0977409440 , pp. 266-267.
  • Thomas Schneider : Lexicon of the Pharaohs. Albatros, Düsseldorf 2002, ISBN 3-491-96053-3 , p. 175.
About the name
Questions of detail
  • Jürgen von Beckerath: Chronology of the pharaonic Egypt. von Zabern , Mainz 1994, ISBN 3-8053-2310-7 , p. 149.
  • Hratch Papazian : The State of Egypt in the Eighth Dynasty. In: Peter Der Manuelian , Thomas Schneider (Eds.): Towards a New History for the Egyptian Old Kingdom. Perspectives on the Pyramid Age (= Harvard Egyptological Studies. Volume 1). Brill, Leiden / Boston 2015, ISBN 978-90-04-30188-7 , pp. 393-428.

predecessor Office successor
Djedkare Schemai Pharaoh of Egypt
8th Dynasty