Neomariania incertella

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Neomariania incertella
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Gelechioidea
Family : Stathmopodidae
Genre : Neomariania
Type : Neomariania incertella
Scientific name
Neomariania incertella
( Rebel , 1940)

Neomariania incertella is a butterfly from the family of Stathmopodidae .


The moths reach a wingspan of about 13 millimeters, the fore wing length is about 6 millimeters. The antennae are very long and protrude beyond the tip of the forewing. The forewings are yellowish sand-gray, have a gray center and individual gray scales along the edge . The hind wings are dark gray and have yellowish fringed scales.

Similar species


Neomariania incertella is common in the Azores .


The biology of the species is unknown.


The assignment It is assumed that the only caught specimen could have been a female of Neomariania oecophorella . The following synonym is known:

  • Megaceraea incertella Rebel , 1940

supporting documents

  1. a b c d J. C. Koster, S. Yu. Sinev: Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae, Chrysopeleiidae . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 5 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2003, ISBN 87-88757-66-8 , pp. 192 (English).
  2. ^ A b Hans Rebel (1940): The Lepidoptera Fauna of the Azorean Archipelago. Comment. biol. Soc. Sci. Fenn. 8 (1): page 41.
  3. ^ Neomariania incertella in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved May 9, 2012