Nepenthes singalana

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Nepenthes singalana
Nepenthes singalana, air can

Nepenthes singalana , air can

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Pitcher family (Nepenthaceae)
Genre : Pitcher plants ( Nepenthes )
Type : Nepenthes singalana
Scientific name
Nepenthes singalana

Nepenthes singalana is a carnivorous plant belonging to the genus of pitcher plants ( Nepenthes ). It wasfirst describedby the Italian botanist Odoardo Beccari around 1896. Your kind of epithet singalana is a reference to the mountain Mount Singgalang on Sumatra .


Nepenthes singalana is an evergreen , climbing subshrub whose shoots can be several meters long and become lignified with age. The leaves of Nepenthes singalana are elliptical in shape, have a smooth, shiny surface and are leathery in structure. They become up to 20 cm long.

Young jug portrait

The pitchers of Nepenthes singalana do not show any pronounced pitcher dimorphism . They are all cup-shaped to vase-shaped and only become a little more delicate with age. They grow up to 18 cm. The peristome is evenly shaped and slightly ribbed. The lid is wide-oval and stands diagonally over the opening. The color of the pitchers depends on the light; in full sun they are wine-red.

Flower and seeds

The flowers of Nepenthes singalana are dioecious ( dioecious ), so either only male or only female. They appear on a delicate panicle about 30 cm long. The flowers themselves are five-leaved and greenish or reddish in color. The seeds are spindle-shaped and only 1–3 mm in size.

Home / origin

Nepenthes singalana lives exclusively in Sumatra . There it grows in mountain forests at an altitude of 2000 to 2900 meters.

Botanical history

Nepenthes singalana was classified incorrectly several times in the past. The botanist Macfarlane already regarded the species as a special form of Nepenthes gracillima in 1908 . Even today, Nepenthes singalana is often confused with other species due to its appearance, for example with Nepenthes spathulata , Nepenthes diatas or Nepenthes pectinata .


Web links

Commons : Nepenthes singalana  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Matthew Jebb, Martin Cheek: A Skeletal Revision of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae). In: Blumea. Vol. 42, 1997, ISSN  0006-5196 , pp. 1–106, here pp. 80–81, ( digital version (PDF; 8.82 MB) ).
  2. N. Singalana (English and Latin .; very detailed)