Nesti Kerenxhi

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Nesti Kerenxhi (born September 5, 1920 in Korça , † November 29, 2002 in Tirana ) was an Albanian politician of the Party of Labor of Albania , who was Minister of the Interior in 1948.


Nesti Kerenxhi, whose family came from Vithkuq , attended elementary school and high school in Korça, which however later expelled him from school. In mid-1939 he joined a communist group there and was one of the founders of the Communist Party of Albania on November 8, 1941 (Partia Komuniste e Shqipërisë, PKSh) . In 1942 he was elected Political Secretary of the Communist Youth Committee (Rinia Komuniste) of Korça and represented his hometown in March 1943 at the First Party Conference of the PKSh. He was a political officer of the 4th Communist Brigade and in 1944 took over the leadership of the party school in the village of Panarit near Vithkuq, where Dushan Mugosha had a great influence. He then became military representative of the General Staff to Josip Broz Tito .

When the Socialist People's Republic of Albania was founded on May 24, 1944, he was a member of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Council (Këshilli Antifashist Nacionalçlirimtar) and acted between 1944 and 1946 as Deputy Director of the Directorate of People's Security and thus as Deputy to Koçi Xoxe . On March 25, 1946, he also became a member of the People's Assembly (Kuvendi Popullor) and between April 1946 and until his replacement by Vaskë Koleci in February 1948 he was the first director of the State Security Authority and Deputy Interior Minister. He was also a member of the PKSh Central Committee . After Koçi Xoxe was overthrown in the course of party purges , he finally took over the office of Interior Minister in the Hoxha III cabinet on October 1, 1948 , but was replaced by Mehmet Shehu on October 30, 1948 .

Then he was deputy director of a road construction company in Durrës and on January 21, 1950 lost his mandate in the People's Assembly. Nesti Kerenxhi then became deputy director of an export-import company in 1950 and was a member of the Council of Ministers' commission for prices between 1960 and 1961. In 1961 he took over the post of deputy director of the bitumen plant in Selenica . After writing a letter of complaint to the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the PPSh Enver Hoxha , he was arrested on October 6, 1982 and was imprisoned until 1983. After his release from prison, he lived in an internment camp in Mavrova in the Shushica Valley until 1988 , before returning to Tirana in 1996 . He was married to Naxhije Dume , who was Minister of Education in the Hoxha III cabinet in 1948.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cabinet Hoxha III
  2. Albanian Key Ministers (