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The Neuro-Ophthalmology is a specialty of ophthalmology at the Interface of Neurology and deals with the neurogenic causes of vision changes as well as the evaluation of neurological symptoms related to the eye as a sign otherwise diseases.

These include, for example, strabismus ( strabismus paralyticus ), eye paralysis , diseases of the retina , visual field defects , disorders of the visual tract , disorders of the pupil motor function , nystagmus , tumor diseases , orbital diseases , multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis . In addition, neuro-ophthalmologists often play a key role in clarifying unclear visual disturbances and in carrying out or evaluating certain examinations, such as ocular electrophysiology ( VEP , ERG , EOG ) and neuroradiological imaging procedures ( MRT , CT ).

The importance of this discipline can be seen from the fact that six of twelve cranial nerves alone are directly responsible for the motor, sensory and / or sensitive supply of the eyes or their appendage organs.

Due to the strong overlap with ophthalmology and neurology, the country-specific distribution of neuroophthalmology is very different. While it has a strong independence in the USA or Switzerland, for example, it is not represented at all in other countries, and its content is dealt with by (general) ophthalmologists and neurologists.

Since the clarification of eye movement disorders is a central area of neuro-ophthalmology , it is often a close component of the activities of orthoptists and the subject of strabological or neuro-orthoptic diagnostics and therapy.

See also

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