Niccolò Arrighetti (scholar)

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Niccolò Arrighetti (born March 17, 1709 in Florence , † January 31, 1767 in Siena ) was an Italian Jesuit and scholar.

Niccolò Arrighetti joined the Jesuit order at the age of 15 on October 31, 1724. He was a professor of natural philosophy in Spoleto , Prato and Siena. His works include treatises on the theories of light , heat and electricity, and on the causes of the movement of mercury in barometers . He also translated the novel Le Baron Van Hesden ou la République des Incrédules by Michel-Ange Marin into Italian ( Il Baron di Van-Esden; ovvero la Republica degli Increduli ).



  1. ^ TJ Campbell: Arrighetti, Nicolò , in: Catholic Encyclopedia , 1st edition, Vol. 1 (1907), p. 753.