Nothing but trouble

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Nothing but trouble is a board and card game with 52 additional cards for the board game classic Mensch ärgere dich nicht . The card set was published in 1999 by the Heidelberger Spieleverlag for 2–6 players by Frank Stark and is aimed at players aged around 7 and over. In 2001 the expansion “Even more trouble” appeared and in 2008 the third expansion “Trouble you black” appeared .


In addition to the card set, you also need the original " Mensch-ärgere-Dich-nicht" game. You start with the well-known rules for this game. What is new, however, is that several pieces can stand on one space, so there is no obligation to hit .

Whoever has drawn his pawn may now draw a card from the stack. However, you can never have more than five cards in your hand. There are three different types of cards:

  • Instant cards . Whoever draws one must read it out loud immediately and carry out the action.
  • Anytime cards . These cards can always be played, regardless of whether it is your turn or not. Usually there are defense cards with which you can protect yourself from attacks by other players.
  • Normal cards . These can only be played when it is your turn. Either you roll the die normally, move your figure and then take a card from the draw pile or you play a card, carry out the corresponding action and no longer draw any cards.

Some examples (selection) of what can happen through the cards:

With the cards from the game you can swap the position of pieces or make additional moves. Some cards allow you to advance the train distance ( seven mile boots ) or bring all of the pawns into play at once. The bomb card allows all opposing figures to be sent back from a certain area of ​​the playing field when a certain die is rolled. With a card, it is allowed to shoot other pawns without moving onto their field or moving one's pawns, although it is actually not yet your turn. After all, it is even possible to bring about a tie in the game if certain conditions are met and you send two pawns from different players to the goal at the same time.

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