Lower Geest

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The Niedere Geest (also called Vorgeest or Sandergeest ) is a geest landscape in Schleswig-Holstein . It lies between the eastern hill country and the Hohe Geest . The largest areas of the Niedere Geest are to be found west of an imaginary line from Flensburg via Schleswig , Rendsburg to Neumünster .


The Niedere Geest consists of melt water deposits ( sander ) from the Vistula Ice Age . The meltwater that escapes from the Weichsel glacier has washed away a lot of sediments and nutrients from the soil, leaving behind a barren landscape. The sedimentation created surface and cone sand and at the same time the erosion of the meltwater flows into channels in the old moraine landscape of the Hohe Geest.

Soil condition

In the Lower Geest, the soil types gleye and podsole predominate . The relocation of sesquioxides with humus compounds in the podsoles leads to the formation of different colored layers of soil (light gray / black-brown) and in places to cast stone . The soil is mainly in the form of sand with a grain size of 0.063 to 2 millimeters. It can hold little water and is poor in nutrients, but easy to work with.


The land is mainly used for forestry, for keeping dairy cattle and for growing frugal crops such as potatoes, rye and maize. With optimal fertilization and irrigation it is also possible to grow demanding crops.

Building materials with grains of various sizes are extracted from the Geest gravel pits . Former gravel pits, now filled with groundwater, are used in some places as fishing and swimming lakes.

The stable, layered soil enables roads and airfields to be built without problems.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Across Schleswig-Holstein - Understanding our soil (PDF; 4.7 MB) State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of Schleswig-Holstein