Nikephoros (name)

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Nikephoros or Νικηφόρος, Greek : The usual victory , from νίκη (nike) "victory" and φορέω (phoreo) "to win, carry away", also Nikiforos, Latin form: Nikephorus or Nicephorus, is a male given name.

Nikephoros is the name of the following people:


Nikephorus I.

Nikephorus II.

Nikephorus III.

Caesars, regents, co-emperors

  • Nikephorus , fellow Byzantine emperor, son of Artabasdos
  • Nikephorus , Byzantine Caesar and pretender to the throne, son of Constantine V.
  • Nikephoros Diogenes , Byzantine prince and co-emperor under Romanos IV, Dux of Crete and pretender to the throne against Alexios I.
  • Nikephoros Melissenos († 1104), Byzantine general, anti-emperor and emperor under Alexios I.
  • Nikephoros Proteuon , Byzantine governor of Bulgaria, brief heir to the throne of Emperor Constantine IX.
  • Nikephoros Synadenos , nephew and brief heir to the throne of the Byzantine emperor Nikephorus III.
  • Nikephoros Bryennios , Byzantine ethnarch and rebel against Emperor Michael VI.


Military personnel





family name