Nikola Kirov-Majski

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Nikola Kirov-Majski (around 1920)

Nikola Kirov , called Majski ( Bulgarian Никола Киров Майски ; born June 28, 1880 in Kruševo , today in North Macedonia ; † 1962 in Sofia , Bulgaria ) was a Macedonian-Bulgarian teacher, revolutionary and writer. He was a member of the Secret Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization (TMORO, from which the Inner Macedonian Revolutionary Organization later emerged), one of the supporters of the short-lived Republic of Kruševo , later a journalist and author of plays.


Kirov-Majski was born in the almost exclusively Christian town of Kruševo in what was then Vilayet Manastır of the Ottoman Empire and identified himself as a member of the Bulgarian population. He was a cousin of Nikola Karev , who was president of the republic of Kruševo , which lasted only ten days, during the Ilinden-Preobraschenie uprising in August 1903 . Sometimes it is mistakenly equated with this one. Kirov-Majski also took part in the uprising. According to his own statements, he and Karev wrote an "Appeal to the Turkish people in the Kruševo revolutionary district", later known as the "Kruševo Manifesto". However, its actual existence is not documented. The text was only verifiably published for the first time in 1939, so there are doubts as to its authenticity.

After the Second Balkan War (1913), he and his family fled to Bulgaria, where he took up law studies at St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia . He worked as a journalist and wrote plays, including the 1923 drama Ilinden (first performed the following year), which deals with the failed uprising. It is one of the first literary works to be published in Macedonian dialect, even before there was a standardized Macedonian language . In 1935 he published the historical report Kruševo i negovite borbi za svoboda ("Kruševo and his struggles for freedom"). Although Kirov-Majski referred to the Slavic population in Macedonia as Bulgarians (which Macedonian historians of the Yugoslav era naturally disagreed with), this work was used as the main source for all publications on Kruševo prepared in Yugoslav Macedonia and his account of the events and points of view was accepted as correct . He lived in Sofia until his death in 1962.


  • С поглед към Македония
  • Крушево и неговите борби за свобода
  • Епопеята на Крушево
  • Светлина към тъмнината


  • Christo Siljanow : Освободителнитѣ борби на Македония , Volume I, Sofia, p. 372
  • Boris Nikolow: Вътрешна македоно-одринска революционна организация. Войводи и ръководители (1893-1934). Биографично-библиографски справочник , Sofia, 2001
  • Todor Petrov and Zocho Biljarsky: ВМОРО през погледа на нейните основатели. Спомени на Дамян Груев, д-р Христо Татарчев, Иван Хаджиниколов, Антон Димитров и Петър Попарсов. Sofia, 2002, p. 212

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Keith Brown: The Past in Question. Modern Macedonia and the Uncertainties of Nation. Princeton University Press, Princeton / Oxford 2003, p. 81.
  2. Torsten Szobries: Linguistic aspects of nation-building in Macedonia. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1999, p. 247.
  3. a b Torsten Szobries: Linguistic aspects of nation-building in Macedonia. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1999, p. 56.