Nikolai Shumaghaliev

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Nikolai Jespoluly Schumaghalijew ( Kazakh Николай Есполұлы Жұмағалиев ; Russian Николай Есполович Джумагалиев Nikolai Jespolowitsch Dschumagalijew * 15. November 1952 in Uzun-Agach , Kazakh SSR ) is a Kazakh serial killer and cannibal Kyrgyz origin, as Kolya the ogre and metal Fang (the latter refers on his white gold dentures). He is credited with murdering at least 100 people . He cited misogyny as the reason . He committed his deeds in different parts of the Soviet Union .


Nikolai Shumaghaliev first drew attention to himself in 1980. He murdered a woman in his parents' home in Alma-Ata , Kazakhstan , beheaded her, chopped off her limbs and drank her blood. Acquaintances discovered him and reported the act to the local militia . In 1980 he was admitted to a psychiatric facility. Because he was diagnosed with schizophrenia , the death penalty could not be used on him.

In 1989 he fled and went into hiding in Moscow . In 1991 he was caught again in Uzbekistan and placed in a closed facility. After three years, he was released into the care of his family because his sister could bribe the doctor. Shumaghaliev, feared and despised in his hometown, eventually fled the city and lived in the mountains. When the doctor's fraud was discovered, the search for him resumed. In 1995, he was arrested by soldiers when he tried to climb the fence of a government building. Eight murders have been proven so far. There are different statements about his whereabouts, some say he was executed , others he lives in an institution.

Nikolai Shumaghaliev often killed his victims in very brutal ways. He himself testified that he often carried a bag of knives and axes with him. He raped his victims, killed them, mutilated them and ate parts of the corpses. He often processed body parts in Maultaschen , which he served his unsuspecting guests.

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