Nikolaus Carstens

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Nikolaus Carstens (born August 26, 1668 in Lübeck ; † November 4, 1735 there ) was a German merchant and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Nikolaus Carstens was one of the sons of the Lübeck Council Secretary and later Councilor Joachim Friedrich Carstens . He learned the trade in Hamburg, Leipzig and Stettin. He worked in Narva for a long time before becoming a businessman in Lübeck. In 1728, the year after the death of his eldest brother and mayor Joachim Lothar Carstens , he was elected to the city council. The rector of the Katharineum, Johann Henrich von Seelen , wrote his funeral writ in 1735 .

Nikolaus Carstens was married three times, first to Magdalene Rotterdam, second to Anna Elsabe Zerran and third to Katharina Gertrud Schröder, widowed Tesdorpf, widow of the wine merchant Johann Georg Tesdorpf.
