Nicholas Forgó

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Nikolaus Forgó (2013)

Nikolaus Forgó (born May 27, 1968 in Vienna ) is an Austrian legal scholar . He teaches and researches in the field of Roman law and legal informatics and currently works primarily in Hanover and Vienna.

life and work

After graduating from high school in 1986, Nikolaus Forgó first studied law, philosophy and linguistics in Vienna and Paris . In 1997 he received his doctorate with a legal theory dissertation for Dr. iur. Since October 1998 he has been head of the university course for information law and legal information at the University of Vienna . From 2000 to 2002 he initially held a professorship for legal informatics at the Law Faculty of Leibniz Universität Hannover and from May 2005 was full professor for IT law and legal informatics.

Since April 2007 he has been the head of the Institute for Legal Informatics and the representative of the Faculty of Law for the supplementary course Legal Informatics (EULISP).

In May 2005 , he turned down an offer for a professorship for IT and European law at Danube University Krems .

Since October 2017 he has been Professor of Technology and Intellectual Property Law at the University of Vienna .



  • with Alexander Somek: Postpositivist legal thinking. Content and form of positive law. Vienna 1996, 386 pages
  • Dispense justice. On the theory of the linguistic nature of law. Jur. Diss. Vienna 1997, 260 pages, published online at
  • with Birgit Feldner (Ed.): Norm and Decision. Prolegomena to a theory of the case. Vienna / New York 2000, 358 pages
  • with Birgit Feldner, Udo Kremnitzer, Florian Philapitsch (eds.): Chaos Control. The internet as the dark side of law. Vienna 2001, 106 pages
  • with Birgit Feldner, Simone Dieplinger. Martin Witzmann (ed.): Problems of the right to information. Analyzes, facts, positions. Vienna 2003, 496 pages
  • with Tina Krügel, Stefan Rapp: Purpose setting and informational separation of powers. A contribution to data protection-compliant e-government. Baden-Baden 2006, 114 pages
  • with Jörg Heidrich, Thorsten Feldmann (eds.): Online law. A practical Guide. Hanover 2007, approx. 500 pages.
  • with Regine Kollek, Marian Arning, Tina Krügel, Imme Petersen: Ethical and legal requirements for transnational genetic research, Beck, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-61011-0 , 141 pages.


  • Commentary on the Signature Act and the Signature Ordinance for (mostly completed)

Online publishing

  • Nikolaus Forgó, Alexander Somek (Eds.): Vienna Working Papers in Legal Theory, Political Philosophy, and Applied Ethics No. 16. Vienna 1999 (37 papers so far)


  • as editor: If it works out right. The wine book by and for lawyers. Vienna 2004.

Web links