Nicholas III Grammatikos

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Nicholas III Grammatikos (* 1035/45; † May 24, 1111 in Constantinople ) was Patriarch of Constantinople (1084–1111).


Nicholas came from Antioch in Pisidia . Possibly he left the area after 1068 after the conquest by the Seljuks . He was a monk in Cappadocia . In Constantinople he rebuilt the monastery in Lophadion.

In 1084 he was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople by Emperor Alexios I. In 1094 he presided over the Council of Constantinople. 1104 he condemned Basil , the leading representative of the Bogumilismus .

Nicholas he supported the emperor in his claim to influence the election of the metropolitan in the patriarchate. He curtailed the rights of the Chartophylax . Nicholas wrote a rule for the monasteries on Mount Athos . He also tightened the rules on fasting. In view of the threat from the Seljuks, he advocated closer cooperation with the Catholic Church.

He died in April or May 1111.


  • Alexander Kazhdan: Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Oxford University Press, 1991, p. 1467, ISBN 978-0-19-504652-6 :
  • Ioan Cozma: A historical and canonical analysis of the answers of Patriarch Nicholas III Grammatikos to the Athonite monks . In: Orientalia Christiana Periodica 83 (2017) 253-276.
predecessor Office successor
Eustratios Garidas Patriarch of Constantinople
John IX