Nikopol Point

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Nikopol Point
Map of the Byers Peninsula with Nikopol Point
Geographical location
Nikopol Point (South Shetland Islands)
Nikopol Point
Coordinates 62 ° 41 ′  S , 61 ° 6 ′  W Coordinates: 62 ° 41 ′  S , 61 ° 6 ′  W
location Livingston Island , South Shetland Islands
coast Bransfield Street
length 650 m

The Nikopol Point (English; Bulgarian нос Никопол nos Nikopol ) is a 650 long headland on the south coast of the Byers Peninsula in the west of Livingston Island in the archipelago of the South Shetland Islands . It protrudes at the western end of the South Beaches , 4.57 km east of Devils Point , 1.22 km east-southeast of Sealer Hill and 4.21 km west-southwest of Dometa Point in an east-southeast direction in the Bransfield Street .

British scientists mapped them in 1968, Chilean ones in 1971, Argentine ones in 1980, Spanish ones in 1992, and Bulgarian ones in 2005 and 2009. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named them in 2005 after the city of Nikopol in northern Bulgaria .

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