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Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Passeroidea
Family : Mistletoe eater (Dicaeidae)
Genre : Dicaeum
Type : Nilgirimisteater
Scientific name
Dicaeum concolor
Jerdon , 1840

The Nilgirimistelfresser ( Dicaeum concolor ) is a species of bird from the mistletoe- eater family (Dicaeidae).

Sometimes the species is considered to be a single-color mistletoe ( Dicaeum minullum ) together with the Andaman mistletoe ( Dicaeum virescens ) , but separated from others as separate species.

The bird is found on the Malabar Coast and in the Western Ghats in Southwest India .

The distribution area includes evergreen and moist deciduous forests and forest edges and tree-lined habitats .


The species is 7–8 cm in size and weighs between 5 and 8 g. The relatively small mistletoe eater has a long and broad-based beak. The top is olive-brown to gray, the base of the beak and iris as well as the legs are dark, the underside is light gray, the short tail is slightly forked.

The species is considered to be monotypical .


The call of the male is described as repeated, very short and fast, clearly sloping “tse'e'e'ep” trills.

Way of life

As far as is known, the diet consists mainly of nectar and fruits, preferably mistletoe .

The breeding season is between January and May and September. The nests are built by both parent birds, and breeding and rearing also take place together.

Hazardous situation

The stock is not considered to be at risk ( least concern ).

Web links

Commons : Nilgirimistelfresser ( Dicaeum concolor )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Nilgirimistelfresser , in Avibase - The World Bird Database
  2. a b c d e Handbook of the Birds of the World
  3. ^ IOC World Bird List Dippers, leafbirds, flowerpeckers, sunbirds
  4. ^ PC Rasmussen and JC Anderton: Birds of South Asia. The Ripley Guide. 2005, Smithsonian Institution and Lynx Edicions, ISBN 84-87334-67-9
  5. Redlist