Nils Johan Ekdahl

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Nils Johan Ekdahl

Nils Johan Ekdahl (born April 27, 1799 in Fågeltofta , Sweden , † December 20, 1870 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish theologian, political writer and cultural historian.


After studying in Lund (from 1820) Ekdahl was ordained a pastor in 1822 and was given a position as a private tutor in 1825, and later a position as a preacher in Stockholm. With a scholarship from the Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Academies , he devoted himself to historical and archaeological research and toured Gotland in 1826 and the landscapes of Norrland in northern Sweden from 1827 to 1830 , which he reported in his treatise Om vattuminskningen i norra poltrakterna (1865).

Subsequently, Ekdahl researched the archives of King Christian II (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) on behalf of the Kungliga Samfundet för utgivande av handskrifter rörande Scandinavia historia . In 1838 he took over the post of chief pastor ( kyrkoherde ) at the Adolf Friedrich Church in Stockholm. Here he was particularly committed to caring for the poor.

In the last years of his life, Ekdahl was also a staunch supporter and supporter of the Icelandic theologian Magnús Eiríksson , who lived in Copenhagen and from whom he translated two writings into Swedish.

Works (selection)

  • Christiern II: s arkiv. I. Handlingar rörande Severin Norby. 1-3, 1835-1836.
  • Några data ur en 13: årig embetsverksamhet till förklarande af en 6 månaders ofrivillig overksamhet. Stockholm 1851.
  • Högmesso-predikan på klagodagen, August 14th 1859, hållen i Adolf Fredriks kyrka. Stockholm 1859.
  • The norska frågans history. Stockholm 1860.
  • Predikan vid Jubilee celebrations November 4, 1864. Stockholm 1864.
  • Om vattuminskningen i norra poltrakterna, dess orsaker och dess följder: embetsberättelse. Stockholm 1865.
  • Om osedligheten i Stockholm och des botemedel. Stockholm 1866.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. John's Gospel. Ar det en äkta apostolisk bok och är des lära: att Gud är vorden menniska, en sann och kristlig lära? En Religiös-Dogmatisk Historisk-Kritisk Undersökning. Stockholm 1864 [= translation by Magnús Eiríksson: Er Johannes-Evangeliet et apostolisk og ægte Evangelium og er dets Lære om Guds Menneskevorden en sand og Christian Lære? En Religøs-dogmatisk, historisk-kritisk Undersøgelse. Copenhagen 1863] and Läran om dopet. Stockholm 1865 [= translation by Magnús Eiríksson: Hvem har Ret: Grundtvigianerne eller deres Modstandere? Copenhagen 1863].