Nina Koshofer

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Nina Koshofer (* in Mülheim ad Ruhr ) is a German director and author specializing in historical documentaries and docu-dramas.


Koshofer grew up in Bergisch Gladbach . Her mother is the local politician Ingrid Koshofer, her father is the photo and film historian and specialist author Gert Koshofer .

After graduating from high school , she did an internship at the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , for which she subsequently wrote articles. She studied English and German philology and political science at the University of Cologne , graduating with a Magister Artium . During her studies she worked for the Federal Press Office and the WDR , especially for the "Visual Arts" editorial team under the direction of Wibke von Bonin . After a year in the editorial department of the Photographie publishing house, she did an internship at teamwork film production in Dortmund , for which she subsequently worked as a producer. She has been a freelance writer and director since 2000.

Her five- and six-part documentary series “The Jews - History of a People” (ARD / ARTE, specialist advice: Klaus Davidowicz and Raymond Scheindlin ) caused a sensation nationally and internationally in 2007 and has been broadcast repeatedly since then. In 2008 Nina Koshofer was a member of the jury of the German-Israeli film competition, which the German government had launched on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel .

Filmography (selection)

  • 2020: "The League of Nations on the Saar" (ARD / ARTE scene director) / "Terra X: A short story about ..." (with Mirko Drotschmann / ZDF 3 x 45 (director scenes & studio moderation))
  • 2019: "The Steel Baron - Hermann Röchling and the Völklinger Hütte" (SWR / ARTE / ARD)
  • 2018: "Terra X: Superheroes: Beowulf" (ARTE / ZDF
  • 2017: "One Brexit and three million worries" (WDR, together with Judith Voelker)
  • 2016: "Operation Wedding - How the British invented a country" (WDR)
  • 2015: "Terra X: F for falsification with Christian Berkel (4) - Invented story" (ZDF) / "Terra X: The trace of money (4): The power of millions" (ZDF)
  • 2014: "History of Central Germany: Wolfgang Vogel - The GDR lawyer with the Golden Mercedes" (MDR), "Terra X: F for falsification with Christian Berkel - MeisterWerke (2)" (ZDF)
  • 2012: "Kur Royal: Montecatini Terme" (ARTE)
  • 2009: "Summer 1939" (WDR, ARTE)
  • 2008: "We Europeans" (five-part series (director + producer (WDR / ARTE))
  • 2007: "The Jews - History of a People" (ARD / ARTE)
  • 2003: "Münchhausen: A Myth in Agfacolor" - documentation accompanying the DVD edition of the feature film " Münchhausen " (D 1942), for the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation (together with Gert Koshofer)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gisela Schwarz: Gladbach documentary filmmaker: Nina Koshofer has the perspective. February 18, 2014, accessed on April 28, 2020 (German).
  2. Cathedral documentary and tulip dream. January 8, 2007, accessed April 28, 2020 (German).
  3. Kinga Joucaviel: Quo vadis ?: contexte historique, littéraire et artistique de l'œuvre de Henryk Sienkiewicz: colloque organisé par la section de polonais de l'Université de Toulouse le Mirail-dans le cadre of semaines polonaises 2002 . Presses Univ. du Mirail, 2005, ISBN 978-2-85816-766-1 ( [accessed April 28, 2020]).
  4. The Jews - History of a People. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  5. ^ The Genocide Before the Holocaust . In: Haaretz . March 18, 2007 ( [accessed April 28, 2020]).
  6. ^ 3,000 years of Jewish history in 3 hours of television. In: Film and Media Foundation NRW. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  7. Israel Embassy of the State: award ceremony of the German-Israeli film competition. In: Newsletter of the Embassy of the State of Israel. Israel Diplomatic Website, December 5, 2012, accessed April 28, 2020 (German).
  8. ^ History in the First: League of Nations on the Saar | Video | ARD media library. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  9. A Brief History of ... Ancient Egypt. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  10. ^ The steel baron - Hermann Röchling and the Völklinger Hütte | Home | History & Discoveries. May 23, 2019, accessed April 28, 2020 .
  11. Superheroes (2/3): Beowulf. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  12. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: A Brexit and three million worries - no future for Europeans on the island? Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  13. "Operation Wedding" - How the British invented NRW. August 11, 2016, accessed April 28, 2020 .
  14. F as in forgery (4/4) - Fictional history. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  15. The Money Trail (2/2). Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  16. F for fake (2/4) - masterpieces. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  17. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: Kur Royal. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  18. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: Documentary in the First: Summer 1939. Accessed on April 28, 2020 .
  19. program ARD de-ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: We Europeans! (1/6). Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  20. ^ Program ARD de-ARD Play-Out Center Potsdam, Potsdam Germany: The Jews - History of a people. Retrieved April 28, 2020 .
  21. THE NIBELUNGEN AND MÜNCHHAUSEN NEW IN TRADE | Murnau Foundation. Retrieved April 29, 2020 .