Nina Pacari

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Nina Pacari, 2009

Nina Pacari ( Kichwa nina "fire", paqariy "rise, appear, dawn"), formerly María Estela Vega Conejo (born October 9, 1961 in Cotacachi , Imbabura province ) is an Ecuadorian politician with an ethnic Kichwa background and designated judge at the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court.

María Vega grew up as the eldest daughter of a small trader among eleven siblings in an acculturated kichwa family in a mestizo environment in Cotacachi. She received traditional indigenous values ​​most of all from her mother and her mother. Due to the widespread racism, she denied her indigenous roots in public as a child . As one of the first indigenous people in Cotacachi, she went to higher education, which she completed as the best student at a Catholic high school.

She successfully studied law at the Central University in Quito . During her studies, she met other indigenous students, with whom she campaigned for the rights of indigenous peoples and for the defense of the declining Kichwa language at the university . As a result of her process of developing an indigenous Kichwa consciousness, at the age of 24 she officially changed her Spanish name to Nina Pacari , who came from the Kichwa .

Nina Pacari joined the indigenous organization of Imbabura FICI (Federación de los pueblos Kichwa de la Sierra Norte del Ecuador) , which is now a member organization of ECUARUNARI . After working for FICI, she worked as a lawyer supporting Kichwa communities in the province of Chimborazo in legal disputes over land rights and labor law.

Nina Pacari developed an in-depth criticism of the political and social conditions in Ecuador. This included the statement that the indigenous peoples are not “ ethnic minorities ”, but nationalities with their own language, history, territory, social economy and culture. On this basis, Nina Pacari fought for reforms for the official recognition of the indigenous nationalities and the Kichwa language by the state, for the democratization of political structures and for the return of land to the indigenous peoples.

In 1989, Nina Pacari became legal advisor to the Ecuadorian indigenous umbrella organization CONAIE, founded in 1986 . During the 1990 uprising, she supported indigenous communities in Chimborazo Province in their struggles, including roadblocks, and took part in subsequent negotiations with the government. In 1994, the Conservative President Sixto Durán Ballén tried to enforce a new law on agricultural development that had been introduced by large landowners. Indigenous peasants reacted with another uprising, and Nina Pacari worked out an alternative. In the negotiations that followed, the law was partially halted.

In 1997, the National Assembly elected Nina Pacari as National Executive Secretary for Indigenous and African American Affairs. For a year she was a representative of Chimborazo Province in the National Assembly drafting a new constitution that describes Ecuador as pluricultural and multi-ethnic. In August 1998, she was elected to the Ecuadorian parliament as the first indigenous woman.

Nina Pacari became foreign minister under Lucio Gutiérrez in 2003, but she soon left the government together with Agriculture Minister Luis Macas because of Gutiérrez's policies, which were characterized as neoliberal . In May 2007 she was elected by the National Congress as a judge at the Constitutional Court.


  • Las cultures nacionales en el estado multinacional ecuatoriano. Antropología, cuadernos de investigación 3 (November 1984): 113-22.
  • Los indios y su lucha jurídico-política. Revista ecuatoriana de pensamiento marxista 12 (1989): 41-47.
  • Levantamiento indígena. In Sismo étnico en el Ecuador: Varias perspectivas, edited by José Almeida et al., 169-86. Quito, Ecuador: CEDIME - Ediciones Abya-Yala , Quito, Ecuador 1993.
  • Taking on the Neoliberal Agenda. NACLA Report on the Americas 29, no.5 (March-April 1996): 23-32

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. NOT "Cornejo", see "Derecho Ecuador", August 25, 2000 ( Memento of the original from July 9, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. and "El Mercurio", January 21, 2011 ( Memento of the original from July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. El TC elegido en plancha , El Comercio , June 1, 2007 (Spanish)