No Regret - In the shadow of love

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German title No Regret - In the shadow of love
Original title Huhoehaji Ana ( 후회 하지 않아 )
Country of production South Korea
original language Korean
Publishing year 2006
length 114 minutes
Director Leesong Hee-il
script Leesong Hee-il
production Kim Jho Kwang-soo
music Lee Byung-hoon

No Regret - In the Shadow of Love ( 후회 하지 않아 ) is a South Korean film by the film director Leesong Hee-il . The film is about the love of two young men from different social backgrounds .


As an orphan, Su-min leaves his hometown on his 18th birthday and goes to study in the capital Seoul in South Korea . At the orphanage , it was apparently an open secret that Su-min was gay . His roommate from his old home therefore asks him openly whether he has gained practical experience - but the shy young man answers with silence.

Since university education in Korea can hardly be afforded without wealthy parents, Su-min toiled day and night to scrape up the fees for his computer courses. He works as a factory worker and as a chauffeur . One evening, Su-min drives the drunk Jae-min home. While driving, the two young men make eye contact through the rearview mirror. Something seems to be about to happen. Sae-min is therefore willingly lured into Jae-min's stairwell after the latter pretends to have no money in his wallet. When he gets paid, Jae-min makes him the longed-for invitation. In view of the large tip, however, Su-min shrinks back because he doesn't want to be bought. He leaves the apartment building with mixed feelings. To both of them, it soon emerges that Jae-min is the son of the factory owner Su-min works for. When Jae-min saves him from being fired, Su-min resigns himself out of hurt pride and tries to get by with underpaid odd jobs. In the process, he gradually loses all hope, isolates himself from his own emotional life and ends up as a prostitute in the same men's club in which other orphan boys are already prostituting themselves.

Meanwhile, Jae-min's own wedding is approaching. He is no longer able to cope with the pressure of a double life and grows into a mad love affair with Su-min. He even found the men's club in the hopes of starting a relationship with Su-min. He, too, has to deal with fear - because Jae-min destabilizes Su-min's protective wall against his own emotional life. He therefore forbids Jae-min from any attempt at contact after providing the service. He even threatens Jae-min with murder if he gets him again as a customer. Jae-min continues to pursue Su-min and one day is beaten up by the staff of the men's club. Only when he finds Jae-min lying on the floor does Su-min put aside his pride and piggyback Jae-min home. There both men make love for the first time without any reservation.

The couple lived happily in Su-min's meager attic apartment for a while until Jae-min's mother discovered the relationship. Although she has long known her son's true orientation , she continues to insist that he marry his fiancée. After the now inevitable confrontation with his father, Jae-min cowardly steals from the relationship with Sun-min. The world collapses for him. Shortly afterwards, Sun-min's secret swarm of young people from the orphanage dies in a mysterious car accident. After a short career as a prostitute, he had become the lover of the local police chief. The death arouses bitterness among the prostitutes at the inequality of opportunity that has driven them from the orphanage directly into hopelessness. Sun-min then pulls himself up again and tries to turn fate on his own. He puts on his best suit, goes to the company tower and appeals to Jae-min in front of the assembled family. But even now, Jae-min seems to be ignoring him coldly. Only shortly after the confrontation does Jae-min wake up from his momentary stupor and come out to his fiancée.

But it is already too late: Su-min is so angry that he ambushes and kidnaps Jae-min with the help of a hustler friend, with the intention of murdering him. The two colleagues have different motives. One seeks revenge, the other wants to extort ransom from rich parents. Jae-min is robbed, thrown into a hole in the ground, and the two hustlers begin to bury him alive in the fog and night. Ultimately, however, Su-min changes his mind and distances himself from the joint kidnapping plan. His colleague hits him over the head out of anger with the shovel, so that he falls into the hole as if dead. After a while, Su-min regains consciousness and Jae-min releases the shackles, who then pulls him piggyback to the car. The journey together is only short-lived, however, because Jae-min drives the car straight into a tree. Only the next morning does a patrol car drive past the scene of the accident and a policeman looks into the car window. It turns out that both men survived. Jae-min and Su-min are quietly reconciled and only have eyes for each other. They don't even notice the policeman.

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