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coat of arms
coat of arms
State : EstoniaEstonia Estonia
Circle : Läänemaa lipp.svg Lääne
Coordinates : 59 ° 0 ′  N , 23 ° 31 ′  E Coordinates: 59 ° 0 ′  N , 23 ° 31 ′  E
Area : 296  km²
Residents : 981 (Jan. 1, 2008)
Population density : 3 inhabitants per km²
Time zone : EET (UTC + 2)
Telephone code : (+372) 047
Postal code : 91201
Community type: former rural community
Map of Estonia, position of Noarootsi highlighted

Noarootsi (Swedish and German: Nuckö ) is a former rural community in the Estonian district of Lääne with an area of ​​296 km². It had 981 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2008). In 2017 Noarootsi became part of the enlarged rural community of Lääne-Nigula .

Noarootsi was directly on the Baltic Sea in the western part of the district. Since the middle of the 13th century the area was mostly inhabited by Estonian Swedes , who lived mainly from fishing. Most of the Swedish-speaking residents were relocated to Sweden in 1943/44 shortly before the Soviet Union occupied Estonia .


Since 1997 the place names have been given bilingually in Estonian and Swedish. The administrative seat was in Pürksi (Birkas).

The following villages belonged to the rural community:

Estonian name Swedish name 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Aulepa Dirslätt 17th 18th 17th 17th 19th 19th
Dirhami Derhamn 20th 20th 20th 20th 19th 20th
A bi Enby 29 30th 31 31 33 31
Elbiku Ölbäck 38 37 37 39 30th 31
Hara Harga 40 40 41 42 40 41
Hosby Hosby 30th 30th 29 28 29 25th
Höbringi Höbring 17th 15th 15th 15th 13 13
Kudani Gutanäs 13 15th 22nd 24 20th 18th
Osmotic hairs Odensholm 2 2 2 2 2 6th
Paslepa Pasklep 77 74 87 92 90 95
Pürksi Birkas 254 258 242 234 239 234
Riguldi Rickul 24 22nd 23 22nd 21st 21st
Rooslepa Roslep 41 34 34 33 31 31
Saare Lyckholm 21st 21st 22nd 22nd 23 23
Spithami Spithamn 12 9 12 13 16 20th
Sutlepa Sutlep 152 152 144 141 134 133
Suur-Nõmmküla Klottorp 13 16 14th 13 12 12
Tahu Skåtanäs 21st 22nd 20th 23 24 24
Telise Tällnäs 12 11
Tuksi Bergsby 12 10 16 11 15th 18th
Vanaküla Gambyn 25th 25th 13 13 9 9
Väike-Nõmmküla Persåker 19th 21st 23 24 23 24
Osterby Osterby 41 40 44 42 41 38
Total population 918 911 908 901 895 897

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