Noboru Mizushima

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Noboru Mizushima ( Japanese 水 島 昇 , Mizushima Noboru ; * 1966 ) is a Japanese cell biologist . He is known for his work on autophagy .


Mizushima grew up in Tokyo . His father was a doctor and scientist, his grandfather Mizushima San'ichirō was a nuclear physicist. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1962.

Mizushima graduated from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University ( Tōkyō Ika Shika Daigaku ) with a degree in medicine . Until 1993 he worked as an assistant doctor in the department of internal medicine at the university clinic there. Then he switched to research and earned a Ph.D. with a thesis on molecular immunology. He then went to the National Institute for Basic Biology in Okazaki as a postdoctoral fellow with Yoshinori Ohsumi , where he worked on autophagy in baker's yeast . In 2004 Mizushima went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science as head of his own research laboratory . In 2006 he received a professorship in physiology and cell biology at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Currently (as of 2013) he is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Tokyo .


Mizushima discovered the Atg12 conjugation system , which was the first to show the involvement of a group of Atg proteins in autophagy in baker's yeast. He later carried out extensive studies of the physiological role of autophagy, using genetic methods and mice as a model organism ( knockout mouse ).

Mizushima has published more than 150 scientific publications . One of his works has been scientifically cited over 2000 times. Its h-index is 110 (as of May 2018).

Since 2013 Thomson Reuters has counted him among the favorites for a Nobel Prize ( Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates ) due to the number of his citations .

Awards (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 東京 新聞: 朝 永 氏 、 受 賞 前 に 7 回 「候補」 ノ ー ベ ル 賞 選 考 資料: 国際 東京 新聞, 2014 年 8 月 14 日夕 刊. ( Memento from August 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Y. Kabeya, N. Mizushima, T. Ueno, A. Yamamoto, T. Kirisako, T. Noda, E. Kominami, Y. Ohsumi, T. Yoshimori: LC3, a mammalian homologue of yeast Apg8p, is localized in autophagosome membranes after processing. In: The EMBO journal. Volume 19, Number 21, November 2000, pp. 5720-5728, ISSN  0261-4189 . doi: 10.1093 / emboj / 19.21.5720 . PMID 11060023 . PMC 305793 (free full text).
  3. ^ Noboru Mizushima - Google Scholar Citations. In: Retrieved May 1, 2018 .
  4. 2013 Predictions at Thomson Reuters (; Retrieved October 3, 2013.
  5. ^ Noboru Mizushima, MD, Ph.D. at the American Society for Clinical Investigation (; Retrieved October 3, 2013.