Norbert A'Campo

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Norbert A'Campo (* 1941 ) is a mathematician who deals with singularity theory.

Norbert A'Campo

A'Campo received his doctorate in 1972 from the University of Paris-Süd in Orsay under Harold William Rosenberg ( Feuilletages de variétés et monodromie de singularités ). He is a professor emeritus at the University of Basel .

A'Campo is mainly concerned with the geometry and topology of singularities with connections for example to the knot theory . In 2003 he developed a new strict definition of real numbers as equivalence classes of almost homomorphisms of whole numbers, inspired by the work of Henri Poincaré on homeomorphisms of the unit circle.

In 1988/89 he was President of the Swiss Mathematical Society . In 1974 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Vancouver ( monodromic group of isolated singularities of plane curves ). He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project
  2. A natural construction for the real numbers , 2003, pdf . Independently previously introduced by Stephen Schanuel in the 1980s . Shown in Oliver Deiser: Real Numbers , Springer 2007