Norton Sound

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Norton Sound
Norton Sound
Map of Nortonsund

Map of Nortonsund

Waters Bering Sea
Land mass North America
Geographical location 64 ° 0 ′  N , 163 ° 24 ′  W Coordinates: 64 ° 0 ′  N , 163 ° 24 ′  W
Norton Sound (Alaska)
Norton Sound
width 200 km
depth 240 km
Tributaries Koyuk River
Sledge Island at the transition from the sound to the open sea

Sledge Island at the transition from the sound to the open sea

The Norton Sound ( English Norton Sound ) is an inlet of the Bering Sea on the west coast of Alaska .


The sound lies south of the Seward Peninsula and protrudes 240 km into the mainland. It reaches a maximum width of 200 km. The southern boundary is the alluvial flat land of the Yukon Delta.

The rear part of the sound is bounded on the north by Cape Darby and on the south by Stuart Island . Here is Norton Bay , which is bounded by Cape Darby and Cape Denbigh and into which the Koyuk River flows, among other things . Besboro Island is located off the eastern coast of Nortonsund .

The sound is ice-free from June to October.


The first settlement took place by Indians . The sound forms the natural border between two North American peoples: the north coast was populated by the Inupiat , the south by the Yupik .

The strongest settlement took place on the northern coast of Nortonsund. The town of Nome, with a population of almost 4,000, is located at the entrance to the sound. This is followed by other small towns and villages up to Koyuk at the mouth of the river of the same name. To the east of the sound are Shaktoolik and Unalakleet . Near Stuart Island are Stebbins and Saint Michael . At the southwest end of Pastol Bay , at the southern entrance of the sound , lies Kotlik .

Web links

Commons : Norton Sound  - collection of images, videos and audio files