Nova Geminorum 1903

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Nova Geminorum 1903
dates equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Constellation Twins
Right ascension 06 h 44 m 12.05 s
declination + 29 ° 56 ′ 41.9 ″
Physical Properties
Other names
and catalog entries
Bright Star Catalog HR 2472 [1]
Henry Draper Catalog HD 48328 [2]

DM Geminorum or Nova Geminorum 1903 was a nova that was discovered in the constellation Gemini on March 24, 1903 by the British astronomer Herbert Hall Turner , and reached a magnitude of 6 mag . Its brightness decreased by 3 mag in 17 days. Today it is only 16.5 mag bright.

Web links

  • Graff, K. Observations of the Nova (12.1903) Geminorum , in: Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 163, p.81 (1903). bibcode : 1903AN .... 163 ... 81G
  • Holetschek, J. Observation of the Nova (12.1903) Geminorum , in: Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 163, p.111 (1903). bibcode : 1903AN .... 163..111H
  • Pidoux, J. Size estimates of the Nova (12.1903) Geminorum , in: Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 162, p.385 (1903). bibcode : 1903AN .... 162..385P
  • Wirtz, CW Location and Brightness Determinations of the Nova (12.1903) Geminorum , in: Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 163, issue 5-6, pp. 83-88 (1903). bibcode : 1903AN .... 163 ... 83W
  • DM Gem (AAVSO)