Nudelman N-37

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Nudelman N-37
Chinese NL-37 Cannon.jpg
general information
Country of operation: Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact Nations , China
Developer / Manufacturer: Alexander Emmanuilowitsch Nudelman , OKB-16
Manufacturer country: Soviet Union, China
Production time: 1947 to 1960
Model variants: N-37, N-37D, N-37L, NN-37
Weapon Category: Automatic cannon
Overall length: 2455 mm
Total height: 354 mm
Total width: 227 mm
Weight: (unloaded) 103 kg
Barrel length : 1361 mm
Technical specifications
Caliber : 37 × 155 mm
Possible magazine fillings : 40, later 100 cartridges
Ammunition supply : Ammunition belts
Cadence : 400-700 rounds / min
Charging principle: Recoil loader
Lists on the subject

The Nudelman N-37 ( Russian: Нудельман Н – 37 ) was a Soviet automatic cannon that the designer Alexander E. Nudelman had developed for their air forces .


The weapon was created after World War II and was intended to replace the heavy Nudelman-Suranow NS-37 . In order to reduce the mass of the overall structure, the muzzle velocity of the projectiles had to be reduced. The bullet weight was left at 720 to 735 grams. This made the N-37 suitable for attacks on ground targets, albeit only to a limited extent. The armor-piercing effect was around 40 mm of armor steel. However, the main task of the weapon was to fight enemy bombers.

The first tests took place in 1945 on propeller aircraft of the Yakovlev Jak-9 type . Later, jet-powered MiG-9s were equipped with it, the armament of which included the N-37 and two NS-23 cannons. If all cannons were fired at a great height at the same time, the powder gases sucked in led to engine misfires. Firing the cannon required an altitude of no more than 3,000 meters. A muzzle brake corrected this deficiency, but had an unfavorable effect on the flight characteristics of the MiG-9.

The total number of all copies made was 20,000 pieces. The automatic cannon was used in the following combat aircraft:


  • N-37 : The N-37 was the basic version.
  • N-37D : This version was equipped with a two-chamber muzzle brake. The N-37D was the most common version.
  • N-37L : The N-37L had a longer barrel, but no muzzle brake.
  • NN-37 : (Nudelman-Nemenow) had a longer barrel, larger ammunition supply and higher rate of fire . This version was installed as a pack of two in the Jakowlew Jak-25 .

See also

Web links

Commons : Nudelman N-37  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files