Nymph reads

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Nymph reads
Nymphenliest (Tanysiptera nympha)

Nymphenliest ( Tanysiptera nympha )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Rockers (Coraciiformes)
Family : Kingfishers (Alcedinidae)
Subfamily : Lieste (Halcyoninae)
Genre : Paradise Kingfisher ( Tanysiptera )
Type : Nymph reads
Scientific name
Tanysiptera nympha
GR Gray , 1840

The Nymphenliest ( Tanysiptera nympha ) is a kingfisher species that belongs to the avifauna of New Guinea and belongs to the genus of the paradise kingfishers . The IUCN classifies the stock situation of this species as harmless ( least concern ). No subspecies are distinguished.


The Nymphenliest, including the extended control springs, reaches a body length of 30 to 35 centimeters. The weight is between 47 and 57 grams. There is no noticeable gender dimorphism .

The Nymphenliest has a red beak, a blue forehead, a reddish trunk and black-blue wings. Its long tail feathers - characteristic of a Kingfisher of Paradise - are bluish.


Although no subspecies are distinguished, the range of the Nymphenliest is disjoint . One population lives in the far west of New Guinea and includes the Vogelkop , among others . A second population occurs in northeast New Guinea. He settled here in a region that extends from the Adelbert Mountains to the Huon Peninsula . The habitat of the Nymphenliest are deep forest areas. Its altitude distribution is usually in a range of 500 to 1000 meters. Occasionally, however, it also occurs at sea level and at altitudes of up to 1500 meters.

Way of life

Its diet consists mainly of insects that it catches on the ground.


  • Bruce M. Beehler, Thane K. Pratt: Birds of New Guinea; Distribution, Taxonomy, and Systematics . Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016, ISBN 978-0-691-16424-3 .
  • C. Hilary Fry , Kathie Fry: Kingfishers, Bee-Eaters, & Rollers. Princeton, New Jersey 1992, 1999, ISBN 0-691-04879-7 .

Web links

French website with picture

Single receipts

  1. a b Handbook of the Birds of the World zum Nymphenliest , accessed on June 22, 2017
  2. Beehler &. Pratt: Birds of New Guinea . P. 225.