Obed (Bible)

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Obed ( Hebrew : עובד) is the name of two men named in the Old Testament . The name means "servant", "admirer".

Obed 1

Rut, Naomi and Obed

Obed was the son of the Moabite woman Ruth and the large landowner Boaz, known in Bethlehem . Obed himself, however, was raised by his grandmother Naomi , mother of Ruth's first husband, who died in Moab . Obed later fathered Isai , who was to become the father of King David .

Obed is also mentioned in the New Testament . Here he is listed in the family tree of Jesus .

Obed 2

Another obed is mentioned in Book 1 of the Chronicles as the son of a man named Shemaya . That Obed had five brothers whose names were Otni , Refaïl , Elsabad , Elihu and Semachja . If the order of the Bible was to be that of birth, Obed would have been the third oldest.

Obed's father, Shemaya, had a father named Obed-Edom . It could be possible that there was an association between the Israelites and the Edomites , even though they were enemies.

In any case, the Shemayas family, including Obed, was designated as the family of the gatekeepers of Jerusalem .

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