Oberfricktaler Eisenweg

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The Oberfricktaler Eisenweg is a hiking route established in 2005 to document iron mining between Wölflinswil and the Zeiher Homberg . The surrounding forests were overused in the Middle Ages by the mining of iron ore . It took around 20 tons of charcoal to smelt 1 ton of iron ore. Since the production at that time was dependent on the hydropower , the production facilities were preferably built on rivers. The operation was stopped in the 17th century because the wood reserves were running out.

Over the centuries the forest recovered, but the depressions remained.

The route is 13 km long and leads over Herznach and Zeihen . An orientation board, sponsored by the Laufenburg electricity company , is located directly under the company's own 380 kV high-voltage line Laufenburg AG - Gösgen , which was built in the early 1960s .