Higher Justice Office of the Twiste

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The Twiste Higher Justice Office was a judicial and administrative unit in the Principality of Waldeck with its seat in Arolsen from 1816 to 1850 .


The imposed, d. H. The organizational edict of January 28, 1814, which came about without the participation of the estates or the people , provoked a storm of protest among the Waldeck estates . The President of the Estates Carl Friedrich von Dalwigk was the spokesman for the opposition, which ultimately prevailed. In 1814 and 1815 there were state estates (deputation days) under the old law. The result of the negotiations between the prince and the estates was the constitutional charter for the principality of Waldeck from April 19, 1816, the so-called state treaty . It regulated that five instead of three higher offices were set up. The judicial officers were also given the tasks of police administration, so that the separation between administration and justice was lifted again. The patrimonial courts also continued to exist. At the level of the senior offices, senior office pensions were set up for the financial administration. One of these five higher offices was the higher justice office of the Twiste . At the head was a senior justice officer who was assigned a secretary.

The Twiste Higher Justice Office consisted of the former offices of Arolsen (without Schmillinghausen , Herbsen and Hörle ), Landau (without Strote and Meineringhausen ) and Wetterburg .

With the March Revolution of 1848/49 , the separation of administration and justice as part of the March demands was discussed again. The reformed state constitution of May 23, 1849 regulated this separation in Title VII “from the judiciary”. For the former Oberamt der Twiste, this was the Arolsen District Court .

On the lower level, justice and administration were separated with the Courts Constitution Act of June 5, 1850. A district court was created for each of the four newly created districts (three for Waldeck and one for Pyrmont). These took over the judicial tasks of the higher offices.

With the district order of 1850, three administrative districts were created: the Eder district (based in Wildungen), the Eisenberg district (based in Korbach ) and the Twiste district (based in Mengeringhausen , from 1857 in Arolsen). The upper offices of the Twiste and the advertising became the circle of the Twiste.

Chief Justice Officer


  • Armin Sieburg, Johannes Papritz (ed.): Repertories of the Hessian State Archive Marburg - holdings 180: District offices Arolsen, Bad Wildungen, Korbach: 1850–1942; with preliminary files from the Waldeck authorities, history of authorities: pp. I – XXXI, list of officials pp. XXXII – XXXIII

Individual evidence

  1. § 1 (1) of the constitutional charter for the Principality of Waldeck (Reg.-Bl. 34), digitized