Octavian Iliescu

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Octavian Iliescu (born August 22, 1919 in Craiova ; † June 24, 2009 ) was a Romanian numismatist .


Octavian Iliescu was born as the oldest child into a civil servant family. He had a sister and a brother. He started collecting coins at the age of nine. He attended schools in Balş and Craiova to study at the National College in Oltenia , where he graduated with top marks. In 1938 he enrolled in the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest , where he graduated in 1942. His first publication appeared in 1940, but he was drafted into the army from 1942 to 1944. After the war, Iliescu worked as a lawyer, but the post-war government, like many other lawyers, prohibited him from practicing his profession. He dealt with the lakes of Bucharest as part of city policy . As part of this task of the health department, he received technical tasks.

Iliescu began to work at the historical faculty of the University of Bucharest, initially as an external employee, soon became a second assistant and then a member of the institute. He dealt with Romania's pre-Roman and Roman coins, but rapidly expanded his knowledge to include the country's economics, politics, and history. From 1953 to 1954 he worked at the Romanian State Bank, then, after its dissolution, from 1958 to 1978 in the Numismatic Cabinet of the Library of the Romanian Academy. There he worked with Constantin Moisil , a professor whom Iliescu knew from his studies. Until 1982 he worked at the National Museum . After 1990 he was employed again at his previous institute, the Institute for History " Nicolae Iorga ". In 2008 Iliescu became honorary president of the Romanian Numismatic Society. In total, he published around 300 articles.

Publications (selection)

  • Moneda in Romania. 491-1864. Editura Meridiane, Bucharest 1970.
  • La Numismatique, source de l'histoire de l'art et de l'histoire des idées. Travaux présentés au XVe Congrès international des sciences historiques, Bucarest, 11 août 1980. Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, Bucharest 1981.
  • Istoria monetei in Romania. (c. 1500 î.en - 2000). Cronology, bibliography, glosar (= Colecţia "Biblioteca Băncii Naţionale". 30). Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest 2002, ISBN 973-45-0408-8 .
  • Monetele lui Mircea cel Bătrân. = The Coinage of Mircea the Elder (= Restituiri. 4). Muzeul Brăilei et al., Brăila 2008, ISBN 978-973-1871-14-1 .


  • Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu: Octavian Iliescu (1919–2009). In: Commission Internationale de Numismatique. Compte rendu. Vol. 57, 2010, ZDB -ID 150467-8 , pp. 52-57 .


  1. Here , on the website of the Arhiva documentară Octavian Iliescu , you can find the publication that deals with a Roman coin find of 53 silver denarii discovered in 1931 in southwest Romania (Vârtop in the Dolj district ); these coins go back to the time of Gordian III. The article describes each individual coin and is entitled: Tezaurul Roman Imperial dela Vârtopu, Dolj. In: Oltenia. Vol. 1, No. 8, 1940, pp. 122-127.