Oktay Aslanapa

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Oktay Aslanapa (born December 17, 1914 in Kütahya , † April 1, 2013 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish art historian in the field of Islamic art .

After an examination by the Turkish Ministry of Education , Aslanapa got permission to go to Germany, where he became a student at the Philipps University in Marburg .

In 1943, he traveled with his teacher, the Austrian art historian Ernst Diez , in Turkey . In 1948 he was with his work "Osmanli Devrinde Kütahya Cinileri" (about "Kütahya tiles in the Ottoman period") doctorate . Aslanapa explored his hometown of Kütahya and organized much archaeological work that took place with the participation of his students.

He was a member of the German Archaeological Institute . He died in 2013 at the age of 98.

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