Okulogyre crisis

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Classification according to ICD-10
H55 Nystagmus and other abnormal eye movements
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

As oculogyric crisis or view cramp ( English tonic-eye fits ) is a type of dystonia named, in which, often drug-induced, move the eyeballs of those affected in a certain direction, without being able to control this. The oculogyric crisis is a non- epileptic movement disorder of the eyes.


Medications that can cause this crisis are neuroleptics (such as haloperidol or olanzapine ), carbamazepine , chloroquine , cisplatin , diazoxide , levodopa , metoclopramide , domperidone , nifedipine , pemoline, and phencyclidine . Other causes can be Parkinson's disease , Tourette's syndrome, or multiple sclerosis . Post- encephalitic Parkinson's syndrome was one of the main causes until the 1920s .


Initial symptoms can include restlessness, excitement, malaise, or a stare. Then comes the characteristic upward movement of the eyes. The most common findings reported include head movement back or side, mouth wide open, and eye pain. A state of exhaustion can set in after the crisis. Other traits noticed during a crisis are mutism , palilalia , winking, lacrimation, pupil dilation, salivation, hypertension, headache, paranoia, depression, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, depersonalization, violence, and obscene vocabulary.

Oculogyrian seizure

The oculogyric seizure is an epileptic seizure with tonic sideways movement of the eyes.


Immediate treatment after a drug-induced oculogyric crisis can be achieved with intravenous administration of benzatropine , which usually takes five minutes to work, although it can take up to half an hour to take full effect.


  • Frank Thömke: Eye Movement Disorders: A Clinical Guide for Neurologists. 2., act. and exp. Edition. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-13-128742-7 .
  • Georg Krämer: Small encyclopedia of epileptology. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-13-133831-8 .
  • Pschyrembel. Clinical Dictionary. De Gruyter, 255th edition. Berlin / New York 1986, ISBN 3-11-007916-X , pp. 209 f. ( Eye convulsion ).