Olaf Guthfrithsson

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Olaf Guthfrithsson (also Olaf Godfreyson, Anlaf, Analaph, Amlaíb mac Gofraid, Óláfr Guðrøðarson; † 941 ) was named Olaf III. A Viking King of Dublin from 934 to 941 and King of Jórvík as Olaf I from 939 to 941 .


Olaf came from the Nordic Gaelic Uí Ímair dynasty. His father Guthfrith, the king of Dublin and Jórvík, was expelled from Jórvík in 927 by the Anglo-Saxon king Æthelstan .

After the death of his father, Olaf Guthfrithsson took over the leadership of the Vikings of Dublin in 934.

The Scottish king Constantine II married his daughter, whose name is unknown, to Olaf in 937 in order to stabilize relations with the Vikings. There were at least three children from this marriage.

Then Olaf organized a powerful alliance against Æthelstan. In the same year he landed with a large fleet in the north-east of England, united with his father-in-law, the Scottish king Constantine II and the Britons of Strathclyde under King Owain I. The Alliance overran Jórvík, advanced further south and conquered Limerick. Olaf and Konstantin tried to free themselves from Æthelstan's rule. He led the non-English troops against King Æthelstan of England in the battle of Brunanburh , but was defeated with the allied Danes (from Dublin), Scots and Welsh by King Æthelstan. Olaf Guthfrithsson survived and fled back to Dublin with a few men across the sea.

After Æthelstan's death in 939, Olaf returned to Northumbria, recaptured Jórvík and moved further south, besieging Northampton in vain and sacking the Tamworth area. At Leicester he met King Edmund I , but there was no major battle, as the Archbishops Odo of Canterbury and Wulfstan of York were able to broker a peace treaty. Edmund I had to recognize him as ruler over all areas north of Mercia.

941 Olaf sacked St. Baiter's church and burned Tiningham to the ground. Soon after, he was killed, whereupon the Northumbrians ravaged Lindisfarne.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  2. a b Historia regum Anglorum et Dacorum


Web links

predecessor Office successor
Æthelstan King of Jórvík
Olaf Cuaran
predecessor Office successor
Gofraid et al. Ímair King of Dublin
Sigtrygg (Sihtric)