Olaf Jacobsen

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Olaf Jacobsen (born June 11, 1967 in Neumünster ) is a German author and musician.


Olaf Jacobsen was born in Schleswig-Holstein in 1967 and was already musical in his youth. After graduating from high school, he moved to Baden-Württemberg in 1989 and began studying “artistic teaching at high schools” at the State University of Music and University of Karlsruhe with the subjects of music (piano, singing, conducting) and mathematics. He led various choirs. In 1996 he began to write the book “Nothing is All-One, Everything is in Resonance”. He got to know the "family constellation according to Bert Hellinger" and "kinesiology". From 1997 he worked as a piano and singing teacher and decided to de-register at the University of Karlsruhe. He completed his training as a "music kinesiologist" and "touch-for-health practitioner". In 2000 he founded the "Olaf Jacobsen Verlag". From 2002 he started leading the first constellation workshops and in 2003 founded the Free Systemic Constellations. In 2007 he published his best-known book "I am no longer available" in Windpferd-Verlag. In 2010 he published the follow-up book, “I'm no longer available - the consequences. Dealing with criticism in a balanced and loving way. "In 2012 he published the basic book on free systemic constellations with the title" That feels really good! "


Olaf Jacobsen writes life aid guides, works as a coach and as an organizer of the free systemic constellations he founded. These differ essentially from the conventional family constellation in that the participants carry out their constellation autonomously and freely without therapeutic guidance.

In his books he shows how stressful and other feelings can affect people through emotional transference. He shows practices to free oneself from these transmissions.

Jacobsen's work I'm no longer available rose to number 5 on the Focus Online bestseller list in May 2008 and reached number 13 on the annual bestseller list.

Publications (selection)

  • The perfection of the universe. (That) nothing is all-one / everything is in resonance . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2001, ISBN 978-3-936116-03-8 (256 pages).
  • Free standing - group dynamics as a mirror of the soul. An introduction to a free form of systemic constellations . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2003, ISBN 978-3-936116-61-8 (214 pages).
  • So now is enough! The birth of a world formula . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2006, ISBN 978-3-936116-01-4 (256 pages).
  • Movements in new equilibria. Moving perspectives for our everyday life . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2006, ISBN 978-3-936116-02-1 (288 pages).
  • I am no longer available. How to free yourself from stressful feelings and experience relationships in a completely new way . Windpferd Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89385-538-4 (261 pages).
  • I am no longer available - the consequences. Deal with criticism in a balanced and loving way . Windpferd Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-89385-621-3 (360 pages).
  • I set up myself. How to activate your self-healing powers by standing freely . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-936116-62-5 (254 pages).
  • That feels really good! Explore feelings, gain clarity and live everyday life freely . Kamphausen Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-89901-572-0 (256 pages).
  • The living mirror in people. Learn-solve-live-love in resonance . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-936116-04-5 (320 pages).
  • It's my parents' fault. What our parents did wrong and are still doing wrong . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-936116-06-9 (190 pages).
  • The war trance. Why we are almost all affected and how we wake up from it . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-936116-05-2 (256 pages).
  • Help! I am unconsciously available. Uncover unconscious influences for an independent life . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-936116-07-6 (424 pages).
  • That's good. A stroke, its dramatic consequences and how it became a wonderful gift . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-936116-08-3 (340 pages).
  • The man who cried happily. Tear yoga liberates the brain, humanity and society . Olaf Jacobsen Verlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-936116-30-4 (56 pages).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bestseller book - BESTSELLER - RATGEBER. In: Focus Online . May 26, 2008, accessed June 23, 2020 .
  2. Bestseller book - hits of the year - guide. In: Focus Online . December 20, 2008, accessed June 23, 2020 .