Ole Hallesby

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Ole Hallesby

Ole Kristian Hallesby (born August 5, 1879 in Aremark , † November 22, 1961 in Oslo ) was a Norwegian revival preacher and professor of systematic theology at the Menighetsfakultetet (parish faculty ) in Oslo, who became known far beyond the borders of Norway . He came from a farming family.

As a student still influenced by liberal theology , Hallesby became one of the most influential opponents of liberal theology in Norway as a theological teacher and advocated the Bible and adherence to the Christian creed. He participated in the Norwegian awakening movement , among other things as chairman of the norske lutherske Indremisjonsselskap , and did pioneering work for a Christian school program. At the beginning of the German occupation of Norway, he and Bishop Eivind Berggrav called for passive resistance against the occupiers. Because of his commitment, he was imprisoned in the Grini concentration camp from 1943 to 1945 .

Many of his 64 books have been translated into German and have been reissued over and over again to this day. His bestseller Vom Preten was distributed here with well over 100,000 copies; worldwide it appeared in 34 languages.

German translations (selection)

  • Daily renewal: 365 devotions (German: Lichtzeichen Verlag, Lage 2015, 1st edition, ISBN 978-3-86954-228-7 )
  • Vom Preten (German: R.Brockhaus, Wuppertal 1984, 20th paperback edition; Pb 2nd edition ISBN 978-3-417-26498-2 )
  • How I became a Christian (German: R.Brockhaus, Wuppertal 1952, out of print)
  • Religiosity or Christianity (German: R.Brockhaus, Wuppertal 1957), later editions under the title: Why I am not religious (out of print)
  • Heaven, Death and Hell (out of print)
  • From conscience (out of print)
  • Our strength grows out of silence - lessons of a life with Jesus. (out of print)


  • Manfred and Joachim Rieger (eds): Ole Hallesby. The rock from Norway . Hänssler-Verlag, Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1996, ISBN 978-3-7751-5243-3
  • The Inferno , in: Time Magazine , March 1, 1954

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