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An oleosome is a lipid storage organelle surrounded by a simple lipid layer . The hydrophilic side of this lipid monolayer faces outwards.


The synthesis of storage fats ( triacylglycerine ) takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) from fatty acids and glycerine. The finished, highly non-polar triacylglycerols are deposited between the individual phospholipid layers of the ER membrane. The individual lipid layers are pressed apart, so that the oleosome constricts. Proteins that are also produced in the ER , the oleosins , are integrated into the monolayer and prevent the individual lipid droplets from clumping together. The resulting larger surface makes it easier to mobilize this reservoir later.


Oleosomes occur in the high-fat pericarp of some fruits, as a container for reserve substances in seeds and pollen. Examples are the high-fat pulp of the olive or the avocado .
