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Oligocottus maculosus

Oligocottus maculosus

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Subordination : Cottoidei
Partial order : Bull relatives (Cottales)
Family : Dickkopf bullheads (Psychrolutidae)
Genre : Oligocottus
Scientific name
Girard , 1856

Oligocottus is a genus of fish from the family of the thick-headed bullheads (Psychrolutidae). The species of the genus occur close to the coast in the northern Pacific fromthe Sea of Okhotsk to the Bering Sea , the Aleutian Islands , the coast of Alaska , Canada , and the USA to northern Baja California (Mexico). They usually live in very shallow water, often in tide pools .


Oligocottus species are large-headed fish with a small mouth and reach a length of 6.5 to 10 cm. With the exception of Oligocottus rimensis , which has tiny scales, they are scaleless. The upper spine of the gill cover is short and has one or more points. The anus is usually just in front of the start of the anal fin .

Fin formula: dorsal VII – X / 16–20, anal 0 / 12–15, ventral 3. The caudal fin is rounded.



  • Eschmeyer, Herald, Hamann: Pacific Coast Fishes , Peterson Field Guides, ISBN 0-395-33188-9

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Commons : Oligocottus  - collection of images, videos and audio files